Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Labor Day Weekend

We were very happy to have a three day weekend! Just to warn you though, long weekend = long blog post! :) We spent Saturday at our nephew, Jack's 2nd birthday party. Benjamin and Jack played a lot together this time and it was a delight to see.....

Dave was being obnoxious with the camera and taking lots of random pictures, but I suppose this one is acceptable of Shawna and my matching baby bellies. It's going to be cute to see these two cousins together!

Jack had a Cookie Monster themed birthday party and Shawna made these really awesome cupcakes. Happy Birthday Jack!!!!!

Jack and Benjamin had a lot of fun playing with this baseball set that Jack got......

On Labor Day, we headed up to the Children's Museum and had a ball. We hadn't been in quite some time and they just re-did the entry and a few exhibits. It was a lot of fun to explore all the changes and see the kids have fun now that they are a bit older. Benjamin was super excited about the dinosaurs of course!

Checking out a huge alligator fossil.

Anna was ready to pose for pictures!

Running down the ramp to the dinosaurs......

She could really get going down the ramp! I love how she makes little fists as she runs......

Benjamin got right in the dinosaur nest and sat on the eggs, without us even telling him to....

of course Anna needed a turn too!

Crawling into the tunnel to..........

look up into a bubble underneath the dinosaurs!

They really enjoyed these drawers you could open and check out the fossils.....

As far as the actual dinosaur exhibit, that wasn't so much fun. Anna bolted for the exit the first time any sound went off. It was quite sad! :( The funny thing though is that b/c she was scared, Benjamin was too. Needless to say, it was a short visit in here!

As we were leaving the dinosaurs to go see trains, they had a table set up with toy dinosaurs to play with that they really enjoyed. I couldn't resist posting a picture of this expression.....

Under the trains!

She seemed so big to me, walking around and doing everything her big brother did!

They have a new exhibit where you "Go to Egypt". It was really cute and you ride on a plane that takes you to Egypt before entering the exhibit. That completely sold Benjamin and he was so excited to be "in Egypt". It was a little bit old for our kids to get into, but we managed to have some fun!

They had a picture of this crocodile (alligator to our kids) when we first came in, so they were really excited to find it. They enjoyed walking on it and sitting on it, but I couldn't for the life of me, get them to look at the camera and smile for a picture! Oh, well!

Carousel ride! He cracked me up on here. The whole time (and I mean WHOLE) the ride was going, he chanted, "Going down, going back up, going down, going back up."

The last time we took Anna on here, she hated it and wanted off. So this time, I told Dave he had to ride with her and I'd stand with Benjamin. She still looked completely unsure the whole time (as you can see in this picture), but she didn't cry at least! I joked with Dave, that it must have been b/c she felt safer riding next to her big, strong Daddy! :)

We did the museum opposite of how we usually do it this time and it worked so well. By the time we got to the preschool area, it was almost closing time and the area was practically empty. The kids had a blast playing in the water!

I made fun of Dave for putting the large size smock on Anna that went to her feet. But he actually had good foresight, as she got water pretty much down to her feet and it came in handy! :)

I just think they are so cute together!

The big changes they made to the museum was to the entry way. They made a whole new entrance that is big and fancy. The fun thing is that they have this huge brontosaurus that's climbing into the museum with it's baby. Benjamin was really tickled by it, so we had to walk out and get his picture with it before going home. It was a great visit!!!!

You don't have to believe me and I wouldn't blame you if you didn't! But we've come up with a different girl name. I know I've already said two other names, with Alexa I decided I didn't like Lexi and Cassidy I never really loved, it was just the best pick out of the ones we both liked. We don't agree on very many girl names, it appears! After talking it over, Dave has conceded and is letting me name her (if Little Three is a her!) the name I had originally picked out as my favorite. He has always liked it, but wouldn't let me have it before because it starts with an M like our last name does and he has rules about that sort of thing! So, I'm very happy to say that if Little Three is a girl, she'll be named Maya! :) We haven't come up with a middle name yet, but I'm so happy and relieved to finally have a name that I love and doesn't have a nickname I don't like!


Kelly said...

Maya Morris...very cute!
Thanks for taking pictures at Jack's b'day - you and Shawna look really good! Can't believe the next time I see you, you'll both have new babies! So exciting!
Love you!

lindsey said...

Happy birthday Jack! Looks like all the kiddos had a fun time together. You two mommies look great! cant wait to see pictures of the new morris babies.. wont be long now!
