Friday, August 22, 2008

Random Musings

Here are some random happenings in this Momma's life:

Watching your child eat breakfast like this and thinking, "Wow, that's the life!"

Being surprised that your two year old is able to sit and stare at Meerkats for 15+ minutes! (I think he liked that he was so close to them). He also enjoyed that there were tunnels that he could watch them crawl in. This is him giving them a hug.

*We went to the zoo earlier this week with my friend Rachel from college and we had a great time catching up with her. She and her husband are going to Zimbabwe for Missions and could use your prayers for safe travels and wonderful opportunities to share Jesus.

Having your heart melt every time your child turns to you and says, "Mine still sick Momma. Mine coughing. Mine Otay 'dough." This is how he spent most of yesterday and is spending this morning so far. He tells me, "Mine tired, lay on mines couch." Anna's getting the same cold too! :(

Thinking this is the sweetest little girl that has ever lived....

Enjoying watching Anna play with these funny socks on her feet....

Being happy we were able to spend time with Dave's cousin (in picture) and aunt that we haven't seen in 2 years.

Being amazed that your little baby is adapting so well to her crib that she had never slept in before and has even fell asleep on her own in it the past two days!
Having your heart leap into your throat just now b/c after saying, "Hey Anna what are you doing all the way over there?" (b/c she had rolled way off her blanket) your two year old went right over and lifted her up (in a very scary way!) and moved her back to the blanket. When asked if Momma should help, said two year old replied, "Mine big boy." Poor little sister!

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