Tuesday, December 26, 2006

What a Big Boy!

As requested (Samantha) here is a picture of my big boy drinking out of a cup all by himself! He usually just lets us hold if for him while he drinks. But this past week he has started doing it himself! It is so cute and I think its so cool cause it just makes him seem so big!!!!! tears!!!!! :)

On a side note, here is a unique picture. What is it you may ask???? Well it just happens to be a picture of my son's mouth! He actually tried to bite the camera once when I was taking his picture while he was opening his Christmas presents! Dave and I couldn't believe that it actually came out red and not dark!!! The joys of having a little boy!!!!! :)


Unknown said...

A very Happy Birthday to Benjamin (a little late!) I can't believe how much he has grown!!!! I will see you all soon, have a wonderful weekend with your family!!!

Anonymous said...

This is so funny!! It justs goes to show he's as cute on the inside as he is on the outside!!
Love, Grandma Frankie
