Thursday, August 6, 2009

No Sun, No Fun (apparently)

I would have never guessed that dreary weather days would equal such dreary days all around. I haven't been the best summer mom this year and letting the kids have as much fun in the sun as they would like. Because well, I'm tired & pregnant & hot & tired!

But we haven't had the best couple of days. Both Benjamin and Anna appear to have colds and Anna is teething hard core right now. Monday night Benjamin kept getting us up, then storms started a little after 5....which meant I was up with my insanely nervous dog. Shortly after, the hail got so loud it woke Anna up. I went out to the couch with her and we cuddled and watched Sesame Street together. Just so you know, neither of us girls are morning people. If you can't tell, I'm thinking in this picture "I don't even want to be awake yet, what makes you think I want you taking my picture!" But being the nice wife that I am, I still gave the hubby a smile.

What I didn't know was that the day was only to go downhill. It preceded to storm all day long and by all day long, I LITERALLY mean ALL DAY! So we pretty much had a full/long day of tired kids+sick kids+annoyingly, scared dog+tired, worn Momma.

Unfortunately, the next day (yesterday) wasn't much better. It was dreary and rained occasionally, but during a dry moment the kids and I made a sick run to Target for tissues and Tylenol. When I came home I found that my lovely cats (who aren't even allowed to be on the table) had knocked my anniversary flowers over along with the huge vase they were in, which meant tons of water spilling all over my table, chairs, and floor. I actually managed to keep the kids out of the kitchen long enough for me to get most of the water cleaned up (in spite of the fact that they were done and ready for naps). Right as I finish cleaning up one (big) mess, I hear Benjamin come running while saying, "There's a big mess Momma!" As I had just heard him in the bathroom, I was fairly sure what "the mess" was. So I quickly told the kids to stay in the living room, so I could go clean it up. Unfortunately, Anna thinks that rules are meant to be broken and instructions to do something are really just challenges to do the opposite. So, she of course ran off down the hallway. I got to her just as she was slipping onto the bathroom floor into the huge puddle of pee her brother had left behind. The poor thing slipped and fell with her whole body (head and back) hard on the floor. I quickly picked her up and managed to slip her pee-soaked outfit off her and then cuddled her poor naked body while she cried ever so hard. Crying hard + a cold = mass snot production, btw. :( After medicating both kids, I tucked them into bed and went on to clean up the pee-filled bathroom.

They took long afternoon naps, but it didn't matter much as Anna was still feeling pretty bad. The teething became much worse as she quickly soaked the t-shirt she was wearing (she's only wearing the t-shirt btw b/c I just wanted to grab something quick to put her in so she could go to sleep and it was pretty cute watching her toddling around in it I must say!)

See the drool soaked t-shirt? Even when not feeling well, she's still so very sweet......

and still loves her baby!

Thankfully, Benjamin is a pretty good brother to his sick/teething sister. He helped her onto the love seat for story-time yesterday.......

It lead to a few upsetting moments (as most things do) when Anna wanted to control the page turning (at quite the fast pace)..........

but mostly it was just two kiddos who love each other so much!

Today we are doing a little better. The sun is shining which is a huge help and Benjamin seems to be feeling better after just one day of being sick. Anna continues to seem sick and the excessive drool leads me to think her teeth are still quite bothersome. The funny thing is she's almost 1 1/2 and this is the first time she's ever drooled like this. She's quite the site walking around with her baby bibs on today to catch all the drool and save her from wet shirts! It's nice b/c she's no longer crying all the time and throwing fits every other minute, but it's kinda sad too b/c instead she's just quiet and cuddly. While I enjoy the cuddles (ever so much), I'm pretty excited for my spunky-sweet girl to feel all better!

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