The boys have been sick the last couple of weeks, so we've mostly been hanging out home. That doesn't mean we don't have fun, though. We've enjoyed some swing time...

When we moved into the house there was a little weed growing in the egress window in our basement. It started growing really fast and got quite big. Dave has insisted we keep his "tree" and let it grow. I have always found it gross and it started growing out of the grate over the window. The kids became scared of it and so I told Dave it was time for it to go. As he is strangely proud of it, he wanted a picture of how tall it got....
The big kids got to enjoy some water time one day when it was warmer. They love stripping down and playing in the hose. They were so cute cuddling under a towel after they came in.

And then like so often happens, Anna fell and got hurt. The poor thing, this time she really got herself good. She cried and cried. :(

Anna is in love with Jessie from Toy Story. I found her this bow and she is very much in love with it. :)

All our kids have such different likes when it comes to food. It can get quite frustrating coming up with meals when they don't all usually like any given food. One thing they do all love though, is spaghetti (or sgetti). Even Collin....

Dave put together a picnic for the MDPs (the program he did when he first started his job). After I took a group picture, one of the guys was playing with my camera and had fun with how fast it took pictures. So he had us group up to take a family picture. Of course the kids didn't look at the camera and smile, but I thought these were a good representation of our family.

Dave then took the kids over to play in the leaves and he managed to capture another picture of poor Anna getting hurt....

The poor thing. She got a little twig and some leaves in her eye. I had never seen something so big in some one's eye and while it hurt and she cried, she did sooooo good holding still and letting me get it all out.
As I was carrying Collin up for his nap, Dave grabbed the camera b/c he thought Collin was making a cute expression.

He really misses Dave when he's at work. I've put some new pictures up on our mantel and he fusses and reaches for Dave's picture like he wants his Daddy to hold him. It's pretty sweet and sad all at the same time. Collin has been talking more and more. He has been saying, "nahnah" (no) when he knows he's doing something wrong. We got him to say "Anna" and "than ooh" (thank you) once. He's been doing these high pitched screams that surprise us all. My favorite though is I've been trying to teach him to say ah, oh. So now when he drops something he goes, "Uhh uhh!". Benjamin and I think it's so funny!
The next day, Benjamin and Dave spent some special time together outside. He taught him some soccer skills and they had a lot of fun playing together.

1 comment:
great pics - i made sure to send a pic of dave's "weed" to adrian!
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