I recently taught Benjamin how to move the cursor on the computer and he loves this new ability. He likes to choose videos for he and Anna to watch on youtube and play some letter games I found on a kid's website. Here they are doing the letter game....

Can you tell they had fun?
Rocking the sunglasses.
That was on our way to Brown County. Dave surprised us and came home a little early one evening and we all headed to the park. It was perfect weather for it and it was nice to get out of the house!

I've recently caught this sweet brother teaching his sister a lot. He tries to teach her all about Jesus and he's been reading books to her too. One day he was doing her Tag (a book reader) for her and she wondered off. He told her, "Anna if you're not going to pay attention, then I'm not going to do this for you anymore!" (This is something they hear from their Momma when they stop paying attention to my reading) :)
We parked next to a nice climbing tree and I couldn't resist the opportunity to pose each kiddo in it for pictures.

Anna has been entertaining me while Benjamin is at preschool (when I can tear her away from Dora episodes, that is). Her imagination amazes and delights me. It is so fun to watch her pretend and be silly! Just now she had me lay on the couch, read me stories, then covered me in stuffed animals and told me to go night, night. I was told that if I didn't go to sleep, I'd get a negative consequence and then she'd tell me it was "awake time" and would ask me about my dreams. And then repeat and repeat and repeat. :)

I love 1 year olds so much, but it's still sad to me that Collin's birthday is quickly approaching. He can say about 10 words and understands even more.

My favorite thing to do with him right now is play ball. I hand him a little ball and he grabs it, declares "ba!", and then throws the ball. We repeat it over and over again and he can really launch it!

A funny thing Collin does right now is making a noise if he hears one. For instance, if someone is yelling then he will mock yell and if the phone rings, he hollers back at it.

The other day I had to take the boys to the doctor. We were there from 5:00 until 6:30 and it was fairly miserable and I felt like I earned some major mom credit. Afterwards however, Benjamin told me "I wish Daddy had gone to the doctor with me and Collin and you had stayed with Anna b/c I want it to be just the boys." (in my head) "You're welcome, Benjamin."
At the doctor, I gave Benjamin some crayons and had him draw on the paper that they have covering the exam table while we waited. He grabbed a blue crayon and went to town. He drew all the members of his family and then he drew our dog and two cats. Our cat Milo is unfortunately in heaven as Benjamin often reminds me. He sweetly tells me its okay and that its so great b/c we will get to see him again one day. After he drew Milo on his paper, he then drew God and Jesus b/c he said they are always with him. :)

Benjamin has been singing along to KLOVE (Christian radio station) in the car. He will recognize a song we sing at church, declare "It's one of our church songs, Momma!" and then start singing. It is a wonderful thing to hear your four year old happily singing, "Beautiful one I love, beautiful one I adore, beautiful one my soul must sing....."

Benjamin and Anna like sitting on their Daddy's shoulders, but they never did as babies. Collin however, does like it and its so sweet how he rubs Dave's hair when he's sitting there.

Even though their fishing poles had little fake fish on the ends, so they couldn't actually catch anything...Anna started smacking her pole on the water and managed to knock a little fish out onto the ground (that thankfully we saved) and slapped a clam and made it open. She's quite the spunky little girl!

He was very excited when she came over to see him. (See the mud on the side of her face? It's from her "fishing".)

Anna is such a happy girl and when she's happy you know it! She closes her eyes and squeals with delight and laughs joyfully.

I love when Benjamin sits/sleeps like this with his arms up like he did as a baby and he likes it when I remind him of it. :)

We've been having lots of sickies (and still are), which means the kids' couches are up in the living room for tv watching on fever days. Collin has loved having them up here b/c he has become quite the climber and enjoys romping all over them!

The kids like to get on one of the big couches and cover themselves with blankets and pillows and squeal when Collin climbs up to see them. They pretend he's a baby monster and is going to get them. Can you imagine anyone ever pretending this sweet baby is a monster?!?! ;)

Collin has decided he's not going to nap much. Between being sick multiple times and teething, he's not exactly a happy camper most of the time. Today while he was suppose to be napping, but actually just crying in his bed, I managed to sneak some one-on-one time with Benjamin. It had been a hard couple of days with Collin, so it was nice to have some fun time with my big kid. We started playing his video game together and he was teaching me some different things and being so animated! I told him, "You're pretty cute, you know that?" He looked straight at me and smiled and said, "I love you too, Momma."
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