We had our pictures taken at a new place on our way home from the zoo a couple weeks ago. The place was really great and even though we had a long wait until our turn, the kids did sooooooo well for us! These are unedited versions, but still cute!

Dave and I both agreed we had to get this one as it was a very good representation of our kiddos. :)

I thought I'd put some of Collin's new tricks throughout his pictures. So, here goes:
1) He likes to "bonk" himself. He hits himself with his hand/toys/remotes/etc. on his head. Not hard, but still! If he hears the word "bonk" then he will hit himself too. We tell him to stop, but he thinks its very funny and just keeps doing it.

2) He blows kisses now. At first he just did it back to us. Now though, he also does it as a way to say goodbye. He even makes the kiss sound when he does it. The cutest is he goes upstairs with me to put the big kids down for their naps. As we walk out of their room, he turns and blows them kisses and sometimes tells them "nigh, nigh". If you ask him to blow you a kiss, he puts his hand out to your mouth so you can kiss it.

When the photographer grabbed the hat, I figured I wouldn't like it. But who can say this isn't cute??

Benjamin is so excited that Collin is one and will point it out to me every time he sees the number 1 anywhere.

4) He's a biter and hair puller. Thankfully, the big kids love him very much and are very forgiving. They are also prepared for his antics and usually pull away before he can do any damage. A couple times a day though, poor Anna gets a handful of hair removed from her sweet head.

5) He's very affectionate and will reach out for us just because he wants a hug. When we get within reach, he will put his arms around our head and hold us completely still with a smile on his face or sometimes he just wants to put his cheek up against ours'. It is beyond precious and makes our heart melt every single time.

6) He dances ALL THE TIME! Honestly, he really dances all day long. He will dance if you say, "Collin shake it/dance/bounce", if he hears music on the tv/radio/toys, if he hears any of us sing or even chant. He doesn't just bounce up and down like the other kids did when they danced at his age. He bounces up and down, shakes/twists his upper body back and forth, shakes his hips/bottom, and my favorite move: he moves his one little arm like a wing up and down. I've overheard Anna tell him while he's dancing several times, "That's right Collin, shake your hips!"

It was a great photo shoot and in the words of our wise Benjamin, "You're a great one year old, Collin!"
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