***I started this post a while ago, but life got crazy. Sorry I'm so behind!***
Dave enjoys carving pumpkins with the kids each year. He has lots of hands to help now!

Benjamin and Anna got kitchen toys to help scoop what they referred to as the "gooies" out of the pumpkins with their dad.

He kept reaching for the bottom of the pumpkins and would pull off little pieces and become so pleased with himself.

We had a friend get really sick so we headed to Dave's parents' house on Thursday. Even though it was under bad circumstances, we managed to get in a lot of great family time. We hadn't been to my grandparents for a while, so we headed over on Friday and had a wonderful visit. Grandma Heidi got the kids books and Anna wanted to her book read right away.....

My grandparents have a picture of me wearing one my Grandpa's hats when I was a kid and they showed it to Benjamin and Anna and then got the hat out too. They both loved wearing the hats!

Grandma and Grandpa were so sweet and let the kids keep the hats, which made Benjamin and Anna very happy! Thanks for a great visit!!!

The kids love the pianos at Grandma and Grandpa's house. Collin was so cute with the little piano they have. He would play on it and then have to stop and take a break to dance to the music he was making.

We dressed up to go to a trick or treating activity they had in a town square close by. Too bad when we got there the line was so crazy long that there was no way we were standing in it to go trick or treating. The kids still had a lot of fun getting in their costumes!

At the end of Toy Story 3, Jessie and Buzz dance and Anna has been very excited for them to dance in their costumes.

They went trick or treating to their Grandparents' neighbor who happened to be one of our school teachers. When we introduced Benjamin to her he said, "You know something funny? I've had lots of teachers and they all have the name Miss." ;)

There was no way I could capture this moment with a still camera, but the three kids were playing and running and screaming around and around in this tent. It was pure craziness!!!

The next day we drove home just in time to take the kids to church for trunk or treating. We changed them in the church parking lot and they were off to collect their loot. After their mom made them pose for pictures, of course! Benjamin was so proud of his wings. He pushes the button and they go in and out and as he runs around they light up and make sounds. Lets just say, he was the envy of all his preschool classmates at his school Halloween party!

Collin barely fit in the elephant costume (he's soooo long!) and would smile and giggle like this when we put it on him.

We got a bunch of their friends together for a picture. Aren't they all so adorable?!?! I like how little Andrew kept trying to get Benjamin's wings.

I think this picture is funny. Even though she's giving him a sucker, Collin doesn't look very happy. I think it's because this is Miss Brenda, the nursery helper, and Collin is not to fond of the nursery.

Like each year, one of their favorite activities on Halloween is handing out candy. They excitedly asked if it was their turn everytime someone rang our doorbell!

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