Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Preschool Days

Preschool started for our kids this week. Benjamin's first day was on Monday. He is at the same school but in a different classroom and with different teachers. Last year he went just two days a week, but this year he is going Monday through Thursday. It's an adjustment for me to have him be gone so many mornings in a row, but I'll get there. He seems to really love it.....yay! Here's Benjamin on his first day.....

So far, I think his favorite part about his new classroom is that they have a job rotation. One day you get a job and the next you get the day off. Benjamin really likes to help with things, so this is perfect for him. Here he is in front of his school.

Anna was really interested in Benjamin's school last year and his teacher let her sit in once and she did great. She is super social (everyone is her friend), so we thought she would enjoy getting to go one day a week in a two year old class they have. Today was finally her day and she was really excited!

Let's go!!

She is getting so big so fast!

My sweethearts ready for school! It's exciting and kind of sad (for me) all at the same time!

Anna was especially excited to have a backpack like Benjamin. It took her weeks to pick it out. We went to the store three times and looked online and in catalogs. She kept turning them all down and then finally excitedly chose this one. Who knew she could be so picky?!?! :) Benjamin got a cool new one too.

Anna had a great first day and hopefully she won't mind waiting until next Wednesday to go again. She already had her first art works ready to take home and excitedly told me they for me. :)


Stacia said...


lindsey said...

They are both too cute with their backpacks :)
