We traveled on Sunday (5 1/2 hours round trip) for a family event (see post below). So we spent the other days of our Labor Day weekend low key and enjoyed some family time around the house and I even got our eating area in the kitchen painted. While I was getting my painting supplies out, I noticed how beautiful the sky was. I didn't edit the colors of this at all, it was so vibrantly blue and the clouds reminded me of Toy Story. :)

Dave is very kind to me and lets me sleep in on the weekends until Collin gets up (which usually isn't too late, but every extra minute is nice these days!). When he got up with Anna she started telling him about the purple clouds. He had her show him what she was talking about and sure enough, she had found pretty purple clouds outside her window when she woke up. Both she and Benjamin really enjoy looking out the windows in their rooms.

Anna loves her baby doll, Belle. It is so cute to watch her pretend and be a Momma. Today she kept telling me her Diego doll had fallen on the hard floor and was bleeding. I would tell she better go quick and fix his boo-boo. She would run and pretend to get "bubble medicine" (foaming neosporin) and a band aid just like I do for her (many) owies. Later Diego was put to bed and he kept getting out of bed. Eventually, Momma Anna had to give him a negative consequence and put him in time out. :)

Collin discovered how to pull up on the window this weekend and it has become his favorite thing to do!

So fun to watch them grow and explore!

He was very pleased with himself!!

So much to see!

On our way home on Sunday, we stopped at Ikea to get some kid chairs that I've been wanting. They are higher and work perfect for the kids to reach the table. To test them out, we made home-made pizzas on Monday. The kids had a lot of fun each making their own pizzas and the chairs made it really easy for them to help me cook lunch.

Here they are enjoying some water after their pizza making (and cheese eating) in the new chairs....

Dave put out this fun water toy we have but haven't used in awhile for the kids while I was inside painting. They had a lot of fun (like always).

We moved Pepper's cat tree (that has her food bowl on it) to a more secure location as Mr. Collin discovered how to crawl behind the couch and he kept taste-testing her food. (Not good!) That means the spot is now empty and up for exploring......they called it their fort. (Btw, they all crawled back their on their own, with Collin as the ring leader). :)
We were very thankful for the Holiday weekend and the time we got to spend together (mostly in our jammies) as a family!
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