*Warning: Long Post/Lots of Pictures*
While I was making dinner, Dave was putting videos on the computer for the kids. For some reason, Benjamin and Anna LOVE to watch things on the computer. Dave called me over b/c he thought it was so cute that Collin was watching too.
We got finished in time to check out Benjamin and Dave's hard work. It was Benjamin's first time and he loved every minute of it. They washed both cars and were at it past dark. Dave said that he was alternating rinsing the car off and watering the grass and that when he turned back to the car, Benjamin would be right there scrubbing the part Dave had just rinsed off. :)

Their hard work gained an audience....
We had a fun morning outside on Friday. It was nice to have Benjamin with us to play that morning. The weather was a little cool, but it was refreshing from all the hot temps we've had recently. The kids were very happy....
How crazy is this? I was taking pictures of Anna and Benjamin playing ball together and caught a picture of Anna catching a ball for the first time!

The sky has been so pretty and blue lately!

She's still a stinker!
I love the kisses. Benjamin on the way to school one morning, "I like it when Anna goes to school with me. (Me: Why?) Because. I like her and I like it when she's at my school with me." (even though they don't see each other until I pick them up)
These two are sooooooo much fun!!!

On Saturday we went to the Scottish Festival in our town (yes, we are that cool). It rained that morning and the kids were overjoyed to put on their rain gear and splash in the puddles!
My favorite part (other than hearing Anna say "festival") was watching the sheep dogs herding the sheep. It was such a neat thing to see.
Dave wanted a picture of Collin with his shoes on, but he didn't feel like posing for us. So this was the best I got....
Collin has taken to staying awake a lot when the big kids nap. He tries to climb in the kids' car all the time, so while they napped on Saturday, Daddy put him in it for the first time. We took turns pushing him around in it and playing with it and Collin was pretty pleased with himself!
At the Scottish festival, the kids got to paint shields. Benjamin was excited when he woke up that the paint was finally dry. So the boys (Dave and Benjamin) had a grand time "swording" together now that they both have swords and shields!
When we moved into our new house, we moved to the other side of the town we live in. Where we live now makes it so that we drive across a cool bridge for most of our trips. When we first moved in, the kids would happily declare, "Weeeeee!!!!" every time we drove across and Anna would find the bridge out of her window before we got there and ask if we were going to go across it. This weekend we thought it would be fun for them to get to walk across it and we were right!
Pretty bridge, even prettier girl. ;)
If you've been wondering what love looks like, this is it:
They will probably hate me for these pictures/stories someday.
Last week was A week at school. I told Benjamin we needed to be thinking of something to take in for sharing time that starts with A. He immediately responded with, "Well, how 'bout I bring Anna in. She starts with A and everyone would love her." Thankfully he settled for a picture of her and when I asked him if his friends liked the picture of his sister, he replied, "Yes they did. They thought she was very pretty."
"Anna do you want your ring?" "Yep!" "Well the only way I'm going to give it to you is if you marry me." "Okay." "So will you dance with me so we can get married or not?" "Okay." (they dance and then she tries to take the ring) "No, Anna. I have to put it on. When Momma and Daddy got married, she put the ring on Daddy and he put the ring on her. (whispers to me) Momma, which finger is the ring finger again?"
One day in the car, Benjamin started singing Anna The Married Song. It goes a little something like this: "
I'm gonna find a special girl and we will get married and she'll be my wife. And you're gonna get married someday and then you'll be a wife." We had to have a conversation about why they aren't going to marry each other recently. Despite their understanding of this fact, they still pretend to get married almost everyday. The funny thing is that they think when you dance is when you become married. :)
Collin decided to join in on the love fest.

It hasn't rained much here and the river is really low. We thought this proof of how high the river has been before was pretty cool....
It's a neat bridge for our little town.
I really love these pictures (and people ;) ).

My little Spider Man. This morning he was watching a show and they were supposed to whisper a wish at the end. He whispered, "I wish to be Spider Man and get as big as my Daddy."
The girls!

A few days ago I overheard Anna tell her doll, "Oh, this is not my prince. We have to get him from school. I love my prince and I want to dance with him." Then on the way to school she started singing the Dora song, "Come on, vamonos. Everybody lets go. Come on lets get to it, I know that we can do it. Where are we going? To rescue Benjamin! Where are going? TO RESCUE BENJAMIN!!!!"
I miss Benjamin with him being at preschool four days a week. So I thought it would be special if he stayed up during nap time on Sunday and for he and I to have "date". It's really special to me when I can spend some time alone with one child. We went to a store and got him a jacket for the fall and then headed to the river. When we were on the bridge the day before, I showed him where we were going the next day and he decided that we were going "to the beach to look for treasure." Where we were standing is usually under water, so Benjamin was able to find lots of shells and special stones (his treasure).

Then we went for a walk in the park and found this cool tree to climb.

I tried to get a picture of the two of us.....
He is getting so much older/more mature and it is so fun to have some alone time with him: exploring, talking, and not having to settle sibling arguements.
He's really nice about posing for pictures for me. :)

As we continued the walk along the river, we came up to a big tower they have in the park and Benjamin surprised me by wanting to go up it. We had never done it before, but Benjamin did great. I told him to tell me if he needed to stop for a break and he said, "Momma, I'm not going to need a break because I'm never going to get tired until I climb this whole tower!"
There were pretty views awaiting us once we reached the top.....
He was excited to see one of the bridges we drive across over the river....
Here he is posing in front of "the beach" where he collected his treasures.
The tower after we climbed back down.
Benjamin wanted to take a picture of the top of the tower to show Daddy and this was his result. (Pretty good job, in my opinion!)
Collin turned 11 months on Sunday. That means only one more month of infant days. :( This year has gone so fast! Since it was Sunday, Dave was home and got to participate in Collin's 11 month picture with his bear. Which meant that Collin smiled at Daddy instead of the camera.....
Collin was happy to see his bear...
Collin has been developing his personality a lot lately. He is very good at letting you know (especially his siblings) when he doesn't like something. He is pulling up on everything, but doesn't cruise (walk along the furniture). His favorite past time remains looking out his window. He is starting to use a lot of words which is so fun to watch him learn. This is the order he has learned them:
1) bye bye 2) momma 3) dada 4) baa (ball) 5) daw daw (dog) and cah (cat) - he usually squeals these last two whenever he sees Zoe or Pepper. I've been trying to teach Collin "Night, night" when I put him down b/c he still has a hard time falling asleep sometimes. So, I thought maybe if he understood the words he would be more prepared and not cry as much when we put him in his bed. Dave was taking him to bed after he had woken up and then not gone back to sleep. So it was after 11:00 and I hadn't said the words to him recently and just said, "Collin can you say night, night?" And he just sweetly replied clear as can be, "Night, night." Dave and I got really excited and praised him (to which he always smiles and then burrows his head into our chest like he's embarrassed). He then did it over and over again for us!
I know this has been a long post with lots of pictures and stories, but here's one more quote that Dave wanted me to record so he could remember. "I have two things to ask you Momma. The first is: Is Daddy gonna be here when I wake up in the morning?" (Dave left for work early that day....they usually spend the morning just the two of them together). I tell him that I don't know (Dave is at a church meeting at the time), but I'll ask him. Then Benjamin sadly says, "Okay. And the other question is.............I don't remember what it is."