"Hello, friend."

The photo shoot was a short one, as he was making me so nervous. He can now control getting to his stomach and he kept flopping onto it and trying to crawl off the rocking chair. Didn't really want him to get a goose egg as a birthday present!

Our Collin-Ollin is quite the happy baby! He continues to army crawl all over the place and has started to show off some of his ornery side. When he's getting into something or going someplace he's not supposed to and I call for him (i.e. "What are you doing!?!" "Hey, get back here!"), he will look back at me with a huge satisfactory grin and then take off going super baby speed! He still loves clapping and banging on things. He's been doing more conversational type cooing/baby talk. He has waved for me a few times and is giving high fives. This week he started feeding himself his stars and shredded cheese. He continues to love regular food more than baby food and I'm happy to have a baby who finally likes potatoes! My favorite thing that he is doing now though is shaking his head no with you. He has been shaking his head side-to-side for many months now, but the last week or so he has started doing it in response to us (we call his name, shake our head back and forth, and then he mimics us). It's really cute!
He also got a haircut this week. I've trimmed around his ears and the back of his hair 2-3 times already. This time though, I decided to do his whole head. He has so much hair and it grows so fast and long, so it was definitely needed. It breaks my heart a little bit though to see him looking more boyish. He did great for me and I was pleased with my work......

Work it, Collin!
-Benjamin has become really friendly all of a sudden. When we are out and about, he now prides himself on saying hi to people he sees. After they converse, he always giddily gives me a recap of their conversation (even though I was right next to him). "Momma, I said hi to that lady. She said hi back! She asked me how I was and I said good!!!"
-Anna has started requesting something: a sister! A few days ago, I was playing with her and Collin and out of the blue, she asks me "Where's my sister?" Me: "Umm, you don't have a sister." Anna: (as if to ask if I'm pregnant) "Is she coming?" Me: "No!!" Anna: (emphatically) "That make you sad?" Me: "No." Anna: (pitifully) "It make me sad." I hope she gets passed this one quickly!
1 comment:
HAHA! Your kids say the funniest things! I can hear them saying this in their sweet voices. Adorable
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