There were some spots on the ceiling that needed another coat, so Dave just stripped Collin down to his diaper and they rolled together!

We waited a few days to load the room back up with furniture (b/c the carpets were cleaned) and the kids had a great time having a big open room. One day I made a huge obstacle course for them and they had a grand time. This day they just ran around and acted like their silly selves for my enjoyment. Collin is wearing a shirt that Benjamin wore a lot as a baby. Dave always hated it, but I couldn't help but love it. I was excited when I found a similar one for Benjamin to wear.

I can never get them all to look and smile at the camera at the same time, so sometimes I just enjoy pictures where they all look like they are at least happy.

Anna has been showing affection in a very sweet way lately. When she sees me, sometimes she will excitedly run to me declaring, "Mommy!" When she gets to me, she hugs me tightly and presses her little cheek to mine. As she sweetly hugs me, she smiles and lovingly says, "Mommy" over and over again. These moments don't last long, but they are so very precious!

Showing me their muscles!

Pretending to be statues!

And of course, wrestling!

This was loving wrestling that both were enjoying. However, that's not always the case. They were hugging back and forth while playing in their basement play room when Anna decided she was finished with the love fest. Benjamin was upset that she didn't want anymore hugs. I stepped in when Anna began desperately screaming, "No!!" as Benjamin was chasing her for another hug. Me: "Benjamin, you have to respect her choice if she doesn't want a hug anymore and listen when she says no." Benjamin: "I don't want to respect her choice! I want her to respect my choice!"

They just ran and ran and ran for days in this room!

I'm thoroughly enjoying (and appreciating) how much they play with one another now. The other day, they were playing and I hear Benjamin telling Anna, "Anna, soon after your birthday you're gonna be three, then after that you'll be four like me!" Anna: "Yay!!!" Benjamin: "And then you're gonna have more and more birthdays and then you're gonna become a nice Momma." Anna: "Oh, okay."
Benjamin used to wake up so hungry and would eat breakfast as soon as he woke up. Now he waits (sometimes over an hour) to eat breakfast b/c he wants to eat with Anna. :)

Collin keeps a close eye on his crazy brother and sister!

I deserve to have him wear an I heart Mom shirt b/c he has "the moms" bad. I can't take two steps away from him without upsetting him these days.

Collin has begun to really recognize some words. He now shakes his head no when he hears the word no, when we shake our head with him, or just on his own. He also understands the word no when he's doing something he's not supposed to: when I tell him no, he stops what he's doing and looks at me, then he gives me a smile and gibbers and coos at me as if he's trying to talk me out of telling him no. :) He also recognizes the word clap and will clap his hands and sometimes he recognizes the word bye and will wave when you say it.
I know her hair is in her face, but I just love this picture of Anna.

There, that's better!

Benjamin being silly taking his clothes off.

Benjamin told me one day, "I love my whole family with all my heart!" Then later he was taking all of Collin's toys out of the toy box and placing them next to Collin. He didn't stop until every last one was on the floor for Collin to reach. When he was finished he told me, "I gave Collin all his toys because he deserves them because he's a special baby and I love my baby with all my heart!"
1 comment:
too cute! love the new color! good choice!:)
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