My Anna-Banana. I love this picture because I think it showcases Anna's true personality. It shows how beautifully sweet she is and at the same time completely wild and crazy!

Benjamin is becoming so helpful. He sees a need (with Anna or Collin) and will just help them before anyone asks him to. It's quite sweet. The other day, his helpfulness really tickled me. They were eating lunch and watching a show while I was nursing Collin. Anna all of a sudden started whining in true Anna form. "What's dis, Momma?" (pointing to a bit of skin on the top of her carrot stick.) I explain what it is and that it's okay for her to eat. And of course even more emphatic whining takes place, "But, I can't! It's yucky!" Me: "Okay, pick it off." Her: "But, I can't do it!" So, I tell her to ask Benjamin to help her. Without any hesitation, Benjamin walks over and examines the carrot in discussion. After discovering he can't get the minuscule piece of carrot skin off, he nonchalantly bites the tip of the carrot off, hands it to his grateful sister, and walks into the living room to finish watching his show. :)

I watch my friend's baby one day a week who is two months younger than Collin. While we were all sick, she obviously couldn't come over. So it was nice to have her again last week. I enjoy seeing Collin and Avery start to interact now that they're getting a little older. This week they would smile at each other and both kept trying to pull the other's hair.

I love it when they are so excited to pose for pictures for me!

Most of all I love the love and affection they have for one another!

I really love this little Monkey's blue, blue eyes too!

Collin has been getting super distracted when he's supposed to be nursing lately. Benjamin and Anna have been really understanding for the most part. We converted our dining room into their play room and our table is now in the kitchen. So I ask them to go play in the dining room when Collin is getting distracted. Earlier this day I had played a vegetable/fruit guessing game with some new kitchen toys. I was so tickled later in the day when I finished nursing Collin and they showed me what they had been up to. They made a huge picnic on their little table for them and their dolls (they often pretend they are taking their dolls, Belle and Abby, to the playground for a picnic).

Collin also really loves kitchen toys. He loves his siblings kitchen toys (when he gets his eager hands on them) and so enjoys his own little kitchen set. I got it on clearance at Target for $5 and he has played with it for so many hours of his short life!! He just LOVES it!!! One of his favorite things is to take the oven door off....

But his favorite is.....

his beloved spatula! If I had to pick any toy, it would be this one that I would declare his favorite!

One week the kids had taken it down in the basement and we didn't know where it was. When we finally found it, he was so happy! He held onto it and played with it for a good hour!
He is such a happy guy!

And he is definitely a little one on the go! He army crawls (ever so cutely!) all over the place. He especially likes to go after cords and other things he knows he shouldn't. He turns and looks back at me to see if I will react and when I tell him no, he speeds up to get there faster. All with a huge, satisfied grin on his face! One other thing he loves to crawl to is the kitchen tile floor. He crawls over so that he can bang his sweet little hands on it (he very much likes to bang on things these days). Go baby, go!!
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