Anna's new favorite past time is taking her paci out, holding it in front of her and talking to it! It's pretty funny...except when you're trying to get her to go to sleep!
We've had a lot of fun in the mornings here this week. Benjamin loves to go get Anna when she wakes up and the two of them lay on my bed together just talking to each other and being silly! It's so sweet to watch!
I took this picture to show how long Anna is. Their feet are lined up so you can see how tall she is compared to Benjamin (who I think is also pretty tall)! Crazy, huh?
Bike time!
More sibling loving!
He was so pleased that she was holding his hand!

Don't you just love fun summer foods? Enjoying some juicy watermelon....

Don't you just love fun summer foods? Enjoying some juicy watermelon....
and a really big corn on the cob! And yes, he ate the whole thing!
Anna had fun eating last night too! She got her first baby food (cereal). At first, I think Anna and Benjamin were a little confused to see what was going on!
"What is this Daddy?" Dave enjoys getting to be the first one to feed our kids baby food, since I'm the only one that gets to feed them at first. It's a special little tradition of ours. Anna wasn't too thrilled at first, as you can see....
But after a few bites, she started to like it. It was funny b/c she didn't let Dave feed her too much. As he would bring each bite to her, she would grab the spoon before he could get it to her mouth! It was pretty funny! Someone is trying to grow up too fast on us!
One last note, I wanted to post how sad I was to learn that Randy Pausch passed away today. I don't know if you've heard of him and the speech/book of his "The Last Lecture." I really enjoyed the book and think it was full of great advice. I would encourage anyone to read it. It's not too long and reads pretty fast. My prayers go out to Randy's wife and their three young children. They are loosing a great man. He was such an optimist and the world will miss the ultimate "Tigger."
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