We had an absolutely wonderful time in Charleston. We love that city so much! I got sooooo many great pictures! So be prepared, there's a lot here!
First up, we headed to the aquarium. That was Benjamin and my favorite place to go when we lived there. It stunk that Dave couldn't go, but it was still really cool being there with a 2 1/2 year old instead of a baby! I think he was still tired from the time in TN, b/c he didn't seem to enjoy himself too much. I'll go ahead and spoil it and tell you that most of the pictures where he's smiling I worked hard for and had to be super silly! We still had fun though. This is Benjamin waving at the diver in the big tank....

I was able to get Benjamin to have more fun once I got Anna to sleep and could focus on him. I think Anna enjoyed it more then too! :)
Big fish....fake smile....still a cool picture!
This picture is kind of bittersweet for me. This is my favorite place in all of Charleston to get pictures (it's the back of the aquarium). So it was great to get some, but I missed Dave not being in them!
Benjamin really loved being out here too. I think part of why he didn't seem to enjoy the aquarium was b/c it was a rainy day and there were so many people there. So I think he enjoyed some space!
Now he can sit on the turtle all by himself!
We love downtown, but had done that so many times and weren't interested in shopping or anything so we decided to try something new and took a carriage ride! It was great! Benjamin loves horses, so he of course loved riding on this! This is his smile as we first started moving! It was so sweet! Dave and I enjoyed it too b/c we got to see the whole downtown without having to walk it with two kids and we learned a lot of things we didn't know!
Going for a stroll downtown after eating at my favorite restaurant, Blossom. I thought Anna looked like a little southern belle in her hat! :)

Later that night in our awesome hotel, I got some great naked baby pictures!
Later that night in our awesome hotel, I got some great naked baby pictures!
Beach Time
It wasn't raining on Tuesday, so after Dave got off work, we headed to the beach! Benjamin had the time of his life! We went back on Saturday too (but I forgot my camera :( ) and he had so much fun both times! He would get upset when I would tell him we have to go back and get Daddy so they can have a turn! He just didn't want to leave the ocean! He loved standing in the water and waiting until the waves came and then having Dave or I lift him over the wave. He would just laugh and laugh!
Benjamin also really loved sitting in the water and throwing the sand. Doing this activity successfully got the sand EVERYWHERE and yes I do mean EVERYWHERE!
Benjamin cried so hard when it was time to leave! This is him crying/yelling "Bye Beach!" It was so sad!

Shem Creek
After the beach we went to another favorite restaurant of ours that is on a creek that fishing boats come in and out of. The sunsets there are amazing!
After the beach we went to another favorite restaurant of ours that is on a creek that fishing boats come in and out of. The sunsets there are amazing!
Anna found her feet about 3 weeks ago and has been playing with them all the time now!

Tickle time.......

Benjamin's turn!
Tickle time.......
Benjamin's turn!
I took Benjamin back to the playground we used to go to one morning. It was weird seeing him being able to do all the stuff when before all he would do is hold my hand and walk around watching all the kids. He had a great time there and didn't seem to notice that he had been there many times before! :)
Here's some of the rainbow houses downtown on our way to the battery.
This was Benjamin's absolute favorite part of the trip to Charleston. He is still talking about the pineapple water fountain! Every day after we went here he would tell us that's what he wanted to do. It was pretty funny. He doesn't look too happy in this picture b/c the water was a little cold, but I promise he loved it!

On his way to another water fountain!
Dave edit: Picture caption should read "Come on everybody, we're going streakin"

We made him take a detour though and go out on the pier first.
We made him take a detour though and go out on the pier first.
He only stayed in this one for about 2 minutes b/c a big kid accidentally splashed him and he was too scared to get back in after that. Oh well!

Hugging a Palm Tree, I'm sure he was thinking, "I love the Palmetto State!" When we got back in the car, Dave said, "You're not going to make him a tree hugger are you?"

Children's Museum
Children's Museum
On our last day, I took the kids to the children's museum. Benjamin had a great time. He played with almost everything. He especially loved this water exhibit! That's him in the yellow apron. If you look in front of him you will see his loot. He had this big fish that he would play with and wait for a boat to float over to him. Once it did, he wouldn't play with it, he'd just line it up in front of him! I'd feel bad for the other kids except that the whole rest of the time we were there the bigger kids were mean to him and would take what he was playing with. He was so passive and nice he would just give it up! Poor thing!
They have a grocery store set up that is pretty much just like a real store and you put things in your cart and then you can scan all the items at the check-out. He thought it was great fun to get to push his cart around and put whatever he wanted in the cart!

Our hotel had an indoor pool in it that we enjoyed several times. Benjamin had a great time and even started trying to float!
The kids were so great and made the trip back home so easy on us! Here's Benjamin fast asleep! Bye bye Charleston!
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