I was starting to look online for possible costumes for Benjamin the other day for Halloween. We assumed Anna would be an elephant like Benjamin was for his first Halloween. However, when I decided to go get the costume out to give it a look over for Anna I discovered that it was 12 months instead of 6-9 months like I thought it was. I figured since Anna's only 2 months younger than Benjamin by the calendar year, that they could share the costume since it's so cute. What I forgot was that we bought 12 months for Benjamin b/c we were afraid it wouldn't fit over his head (and it barely did btw). So we were a little disappointed to realize that Anna wouldn't get to be an elephant for Halloween, but I decided to put the costume on her anyways, just for kicks! :) It was humongous on her and I'm pretty sure will still be too big 3 months from now, so I went ahead and took some pictures of her, I thought it was pretty funny! :)
We gave Anna actual food for the first time today. I've been pureeing fruits and vegetables and hiding them in food for Benjamin recently, so I'm just going to use the same method and make my own baby food for Anna this time around. So I just grabbed a frozen ice cube shaped sweet potato and microwaved it. She seemed to really enjoy it and it was super easy (and super cheap compared to buying the pre-made stuff).
Here's Benjamin getting in on the action! I was surprised, but when I asked him if he wanted to feed her, he came right over and did it! Such a big brother!
Dave let Benjamin take a picture of me feeding Anna too...turned out pretty good for a 2 year old, I think!

Anna really did a good job and ate the food really well! It was funny though b/c it took forever to feed her b/c she would take the bite of food and just hold it in her mouth. I think she liked the taste of it so much that she just wanted to keep it in her mouth! She seemed to like this way better than the cereal! Here she is holding it in her mouth before swallowing it! Such a funny little girl!

I'd appreciate if you'd pray for my little girl. I took her to the Dr. today b/c she's been spitting up a lot for the past 2 weeks and this week she's been really fussy and not sleeping well plus she's gotten a bit of a cough. Well the Dr. had to remove a bunch of wax and found she had a pretty irritated ear that was infected. So we started antibiotics today. He thinks she also is having some acid reflux with all the spitting up she's been doing and that it's probably irritating her. So if she's not gotten less irritable by Monday after being on the antibiotics, we're going to start her on some medicine for that too. She continues to amaze us though with her weight gain! Even with all the spitting up she's been doing, she still gained 3 oz from last week! So we know she's getting all her body needs, we just don't want her to be in pain or discomfort. So say a little prayer for my baby if you will, that she would feel better soon and that Dave and I would be able to get more rest (we've been up to 12 am or later pretty much every evening with her this week).
I'd appreciate if you'd pray for my little girl. I took her to the Dr. today b/c she's been spitting up a lot for the past 2 weeks and this week she's been really fussy and not sleeping well plus she's gotten a bit of a cough. Well the Dr. had to remove a bunch of wax and found she had a pretty irritated ear that was infected. So we started antibiotics today. He thinks she also is having some acid reflux with all the spitting up she's been doing and that it's probably irritating her. So if she's not gotten less irritable by Monday after being on the antibiotics, we're going to start her on some medicine for that too. She continues to amaze us though with her weight gain! Even with all the spitting up she's been doing, she still gained 3 oz from last week! So we know she's getting all her body needs, we just don't want her to be in pain or discomfort. So say a little prayer for my baby if you will, that she would feel better soon and that Dave and I would be able to get more rest (we've been up to 12 am or later pretty much every evening with her this week).
Well, I better head off to bed. Anna was so tired from crying after her Dr. appt. that we already have her asleep and so we should follow so we can rest up for tomorrow. We're headed to Louisville for our 5 year Anniversary to stay in the hotel we stayed at after we got married. We're excited to be celebrating five wonderful years that God has blessed up with together! Happy Anniversary Hubby! I love you more than you will ever know....
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