This picture is from a couple weeks ago, when I was still on bed rest. Dave and Benjamin went to church without me this morning and so Dave dressed Benjamin on his own. He picked jeans, a t-shirt that was about 2 or 3 sizes too big, and a sweatshirt over it. After church, we took the sweatshirt off and we kept chuckling as we watched Benjamin playing with his jeans and big t-shirt. We thought he looked like such a big boy!

This one is also from when I was on bed rest. On days when my mom wasn't here to help me with Benjamin (thanks a million times over for your help mom!), I would have Benjamin take a nap with me in my bed that way he could just climb in on his own and I wouldn't have to lift him. This day, I couldn't get him to sleep in our bed, so he ended up passing out in the rocking chair with me. Dave came home to get some lunch and this is what he found!

One morning I looked over and there was Benjamin sitting on the couch watching his cartoons with his construction hat on that came with some of his tools. I thought it was so funny, especially since he had little construction worker jammies on! It makes us laugh too everytime he wears this hat, because it's about the only thing that exists that is too big for his gigantic head, so he has to hold it on his head the whole time or it falls off!

We had a nice surprise one afternoon. The doorbell rang and we had a big package. We opened it to find Benjamin's Sesame Street tool bench that we had sent back for a rebate since it fell into the lead paint recall. There was a letter that said they had checked it and it wasn't one that had been affected so Benjamin could go back to playing with it. It's been months since he's gotten to play with it and he was overjoyed! He has played with it numerous times on a daily basis since!

We were on our way out when we received the package. Dave was in the process of putting Benjamin's shoes on when the doorbell rang. Benjamin didn't seem to mind playing with his tool bench with only one shoe on! We had a hard time getting him to leave it. He kept shaking his head no at each of our pleas to get going and would say "This!" while pointing to the tools!

I even got some extra loving and affection during his happy/excited state at the return of his beloved toy!

I know this isn't Benjamin, but I thought this was a cute picture of Milo napping in the sun! As you'll see by the next picture, Benjamin was taking a nap at the time....which is the only time the cats feel secure enough to fall asleep on the floor or furniture where Benjamin would usually be in grabbing range!

Benjamin and Dave napping on a lazy Saturday afternoon! Aren't my two boys cute together all snuggled up!

Benjamin and I made brownies today. Afterwards, I let him eat some of the left-over batter...which he thouroughly enjoyed!

We went out to eat tonight and the restaurant we ate at was having family night where Benjamin got to see a magician do tricks, make balloon animals, and even got a huge bowl of ice cream for free! He was really excited about this bunny that the Magician made for him. He really liked the heart that the bunny's holding. Heart has become one of his favorite words now that we go to the doctor once a week and get to hear Anna's heartbeat. He say's Anna...Heartbeat...Doctor (these are the stacatto-like sentences that he is talking in now!) over and over on those days and then goes bum-bum, bum-bum! It's pretty cute!
Hey, thanks for the comment :) I know they grow so fast! Benjamin is getting to be such a big boy also! next time you guys are down we will have to make sure he gets to ride the pony :) I cant believe your little girl will be here so soon... so exciting!!
YAY! I love those long posts! Your nap pictures are so cute! He's such a big boy! Thanks for keeping us updated.
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