Our little girl is here! Anna Faith was born yesterday, February 26th, at 2:02 pm. I was induced a little after 8 and she arrived about 6 hours later! It went a lot quicker than I thought it would! I was able to have her on my own and didn't have to have a c-section like I did with Benjamin, which I was so thankful for! So far the recovery is so much easier! Anna's doing really well too! She seems really little to us, she weighs 6 lb 13 oz and was 20 inches long. She has dark brown hair and blue eyes. A little round face. And long fingers and toes! She's really precious and we couldn't be happier! Thanks to all those who have been thinking about us and praying for us! We are so blessed! We hope to go home tomorrow and be with Benjamin more and start living like a little family of four! Here are some pictures from the past two days. I made them smaller, since I put quite a few on here....but you can just click on any of them and make them larger! Enjoy! We sure are!Love,AndeeHolding Daddy's finger!
I was so tired at this point, but so happy she was here!
Dave holding Anna for the first time!
Benjamin is a big brother! Meet the new happy family of four! He gave her kisses and kept calling her baby Anna! We're excited to take her home and see them together more!
Her feet and toes are about all that seems big on her!
Anna's first bath! Her hair is dark like Benjamin's was at first too! We think it will turn blonde like his did, because she has light eyebrows and eyelashes!
All clean and dressed up for the first time!
Adoring my little cupcake! (That's what I've been calling her and I got her a little cupcake outfit to come home in tomorrow!)
She already really loves her paci!
Daddy and Momma love you so much, Anna!
Daddy and Anna cuddling before bed last night!
She was really alert this afternoon, so we dressed her up and got some pictures of her with her eyes open!!!
Congratulations! We are very happy for all four of you.
congrats you guys, she's a doll. Jeanice and Family
She is beautiful Andee!! Mom says thanks for the picture of her feet..it's Mom's favorite! Glad to here that you and Anna are doing well! I can't wait to meet her in person! Benjamin looks so happy, he's going to be a great big brother! Congrats to you and Dave!
Love you!
Congratulations! What a sweetie! Hope to meet her during our next Indiana trip! Hope you are recovering well Andee. Enjoy the family time!
Congratulations! She is perfect! :)
Congratulations! What a sweet little girl! Can't wait to meet her in April!
Love to the four of you!
Congratulations, Dave, Andee, and Ben! I'm so happy to hear your news! I can't wait to see more pictures of Ben and Anna playing together!
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