This weekend I made Benjamin a little playhouse out of a box, complete with windows and door! He's really had a lot of fun with it! He especially likes it when the kitties go inside it!

This is a picture of me from a couple days ago. I wanted a picture of me in this outfit, since I'm wearing it in one of the few pictures I have of me pregnant with Benjamin. She'll be here exactly two weeks from today! Yea!

Benjamin was bursting with energy on Friday and had pulled all his two-year old tricks on me. So by the time Dave got home, I was pretty much done! Benjamin however was not! So we decided we needed to get him out of the house and let him burn off some energy. Since it was cold and dark, there's not many places he can go run around. So we took him to Chuck E Cheese, which he had fun at and was a completely different kid by the time we got home (thankfully!). They had a machine there that sketched a picture of you. I thought it was pretty neat! Benjamin was waving at the camera, so if you look at his hand, he has like 8 fingers!
On the way home from church, the sun was in Benjamin's eyes so he got to try out his new sunglasses. He was pretty pleased with the results!

What a great idea to have Benjamin make an outfit for Anna! Two weeks?!? Wow! Time flies. I'm so excited for you & can't wait to be an aunt to a little girl!
P.S. Benjamin's looking pretty cool in those shades!
Wow, Benjamin is getting so big. I'm sure he will be a good big brother. Email me and I will give you our family blog site. jeanice jeanicem@hotmail.com
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