Isn't Benjamin the cutest little giraffe ever??? This is one of his towels and he loves them. When you get him out of the bath and put it on he loves to look at himself in the mirror and smile and laugh at himself as a giraffe, elephant, or alligator! He just gets cuter and cuter!!!!! :)
Also, I went to the doctor yesterday and we got to hear the baby's heartbeat again which was really nice! We also talked with the doctor more and I get to decide if I want to be induced and try labor or go ahead and just have a c-section when I'm 39 weeks. So we have some stuff to think about since they say I only have a 25% chance of delivering naturally. Also, we got to schedule our next appt. which includes our 20 week ultrasound and hopefully a chance to see if we have a little boy or girl!!! Hopefully, we'll have some exciting news to report on Oct 9th!
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