Andy is a football coach at Stanford University and we were lucky enough to get to go to one of the games. Here are Dave and Benjamin trying on the hats that Andy gave us when we first got there. I couldn't believe the face Benjamin was making in this picture!!! :)

Our first full day in CA, we spent in downtown San Francisco. We walked around downtown and then went to China Town where we had a yummy lunch. Then we went to the cable car museum and then rode a cable car back through the city. It was a lot of fun and Benjamin loved riding the cable car. Every time he saw one afterwords he would get so excited and beg to get on it again!

Benjamin sitting on this cute statue bench in China Town.

After we got off the cable car.

It was raining on Saturday so we went to a museum in San Francisco called the Exploratorium. It was really neat and full of hands on activities that Benjamin had a lot of fun with. He loved this one where the ball was being blown up in the air and he could catch it. We all laughed so hard after we saw his expression in this picture where the air was blowing in his face!
Benjamin had fun in the music section of the Exploritorium and really enjoyed playing the xylophone with his Aunt Kelly and Daddy!

Here we are at the football game. We had sooooo much fun and Benjamin went wild with all the activity. He loved it so much!

Here we are after the game. It was really a great time for all of us and the stadium was really beautiful!

The next day we drove to Monterrey and went to their amazing aquarium where Benjamin of course had a blast. Once again he said fish about a million times! This picture is outside the aquarium where there were seals laying on the rocks!!!!

The neat thing about going to Monterrey is that on the way back we went through Pebble Beach Golf Resort where you can go along their 17 Mile Drive that is all along the coast where it is sooooo beautiful and you can stop at different places and get cool pictures! Here's a picture to show how big my belly has gotten! It seemed like it grew in a matter of days, which I'm still getting used to! Its amazing and it makes it exciting to be pregnant again and know that our new little one is growing and getting bigger!

Benjamin was sleeping during this drive which was nice for him to get a nap and that way we didn't have to get him in and out ever time we stopped. So here's a rare picture of just me and Dave (and the new baby of course!)!!! :) The rocks in the background had seals on them and they were so loud with all of them "arfing" as they layed out in the sun. I had never seen seals in the wild before, so it was super cool for me to see this!

On our last day we went to Alcatraz aka "The Rock!". I was surprised by how much fun we had. It was a really neat thing to visit. They give you a headphone set and you listen to it as you go through the cells and such and the old officers and prisoners tell you about life at the prison. It was a great way to see the place and we all really enjoyed ourselves!

Here we are all happy to be in jail! I guess we shouldn't have smiled to make this picture look authentic!!! At least Benjamin had the right idea!

Benjamin loved being in the open cells and pulling on the bars. He even learned how to say bars, which was pretty cute! When we made him leave he threw a fit and we ended up having to let him go in another one and play some more!!!

After we got back from Alcatraz, we drove across the Golden Gate bridge. It was so neat to get to see the bridge in person and drive across it. We were really lucky and it was an amazingly beautiful day and not a cloud in the sky (which is apparently rare in San Francisco)! It was a great way to end our trip!
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