He also had a lot of fun with this ball drop! He loves balls so much!

After getting some lunch we headed home and the poor guy started falling asleep. He did something that I can't remember and I started laughing and he started smiling really big even though he was asleep and never opened his eyes! It was so cute seeing him smile like that and not open his eyes. I just kept making myself laugh to get him to do it again! I got like five pictures of him doing it!

We had a really fun day today. We went to the museum and then this evening we went to a social with the other families of our church that try to get together every other weekend. It was a lot of fun and were excited to be getting to know so many of the people from our church. It was really great to see Benjamin and all the other kids running around playing! One little girl, Ruby, who's about five months younger than Benjamin kept trying to hug him. At first he kept backing away from her, but eventually he would stay still while she hugged him. Then finally, he hugged her back once! So cute!
Baby #2 Update: With all the excitement of baby Jack being born, I forgot to post some exciting news about our new little one. On Wednesday of last week I felt him/her kick for the first time! It was pretty exciting and I've really enjoyed feeling it these last few days. It makes it so much more real!!!! I was surprised to feel the baby so soon (about 3 weeks earlier than I felt it with Benjamin), but I've read that you usually feel second babies sooner! I'm just excited and grateful for such a wonderful little blessing to feel another sweet baby kicking inside of me! Thanks God!!!!!
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