A crazy thing happened, we had a snow storm during spring break! It was a beautiful snow and disappeared almost as quick as it came. It wasn't very cold, so the kids had a fantastic time playing....

Our spring gardening...
Snow angels!
Watch out, Collin's sneaky!
Getting ready for their snowball fight.
These boys even wrestle in the snow! Collin can take Benjamin down quicker than you can imagine and they both love it!
Eva played inside during the snow fun.
She didn't appreciate when I went back to taking pictures of the kids outside!
Anna loves to swing, even in the snow!
When Collin came in, his hair style made me laugh....he looked so different!
Eva eventually calmed down and went back to playing. This is her absolute favorite toy and has been for months. She takes the toys in and out of her mirror over and over and over again!
Her eyes are so beautiful!
And they get very happy when she spots her Daddy coming in the door and gets to see him for the first time that day. It's a long wait for a little one!
Daddy's other little girl was super happy to see him that evening too. They were playing on the couch and I just had to grab the camera when I saw how adoringly she was looking up at him!
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