Sunday, March 24, 2013

Abraham, Snow, Clapping, Sports VBS, & Basement Family Fun

Benjamin and I are doing a new bible study and we are studying Genesis for this year. That means we have spent quite a bit of weeks learning all about Abraham. The History Channel did a Bible series recently and when we came home on the first night it aired I had forgotten to set it up to record. While I was doing it, Benjamin came in from the car and even though we had just gone to a toy store to let the kids spend their birthday/Christmas money and they all had new things to play with, Benjamin came right in and saw that they were talking about Abraham and laid down like this and watched with so much enjoyment. We only let him see that part as the series was rather violent, but got so much joy from his love for Abraham and his bible study that he works hard on and enjoys so very much!

Random snow day fun in March. Anna was sick with an upset tummy this day, but the boys had a good time...

Miss Eva just keeps learning new tricks! She surprised us with clapping this day....

She LOVED how excited we all got!

Benjamin did a sports VBS camp during spring break and loved it! He got to pick which sport he did and chose basketball, his current love. On the last day each sport got to go on stage and do a chant. (Benjamin is right in the middle)

Our happy basketball guy.

Hi Eva!

Game of our favorites around here....Princess Monopoly

Cute little Collin who needs a haircut.

Pretty Anna who is getting into singing and putting on shows for us.


Smiling at her silly Collin.

Fun with blocks.

After the game we did some team work and built our new bookcase to hold the ever-growing game collection in our house (Benjamin is obsessed with games).

Except Eva and I, who just kept playing.

Benjamin and Anna got a hold of the camera and kept trying to capture their dad making funny faces. I think they succeeded.....

Collin was willing to give them funny faces.....

Benjamin did pretend basketball moves when Anna had the camera....

and I'm not sure what Anna was doing, but it was definitely silly...

Eva and I checked out the boys' handy work.

One more silly shot....

and a sweet one!

Very fun family night in our basement!

*I've been playing catch up, so keep scrolling down...there's more posts. ;) *

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