Not too much to blog from the past week. But here are a few pictures....Grandma came for a visit and brought some new costumes for the kids to play dress up in. They love them (Benjamin's favorite is Wolverine right now....don't ask me why!) and so now I keep finding Super Girl and Wolverine running around my house....sometimes I think they even forget they have the costumes on!

We moved some furniture around in our living room a little bit and for some reason Collin is really into the rocking chair now. He especially loves to sit in it with me and have me sing him songs as we rock. He's so cute how he asks me...he just says one word for me to know which song he wants. He'll say "Jesus" for Jesus Loves Me or "twinkle" for Twinkle Twinkle Little star (which he now knows all the words to as well as ABCs!). He also likes Old McDonald has a Farm and will climb in my lap, get right in my face and in a sweet, eager voice tell me "dog, sheep!" to tell me he wants me to sing that song to him. He's such a sweet little boy (which is good because he still has quite a bit of attitude)....he tells you thank you for anything you give him/do for him on his own and says bless you when someone sneezes.

These kiddos are stressing me out! They have all three gotten hurt so much lately! Benjamin and Anna both got hurt above their eyebrows recently like I've mentioned, they've also both ran into the corner of our kitchen counter with the side of their heads and gotten knots/bruises, and Collin and Anna fell into the same table within two days (that table has since been moved)....Anna landed on her chin and had a big red sore from it and Collin fell backwards into it and hit his head hard and bit the inside of his mouth in the process which bled and then got so sore that it was swollen on the inside and made a sore all the way through to the outside of his cheek. As if that hasn't been enough, Anna got hurt really bad at church last night. She fell while running onto the sidewalk and skinned both knees pretty good, scraped up her hands, and got the biggest knot/goose egg I've ever seen on her forehead. It's pretty gross looking and it was much worse yesterday. Thankfully they are always okay after they get hurt, but I'm definitely ready for a break in the injuries! Here's what her bump on the noggin looks like on day two (it's still swollen but kind of hard to see in the picture):

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