We've been passing around a cold the last week or so, so we've spent most of our days at home and in our jammies (much to Anna's displeasure sometimes). Thankfully, no one has been too terribly sick and we have managed to still enjoy lots of adorable moments with these adorable faces. I bought the kids a pirate ship that is made of cardboard and we put it away until a good moment to enjoy it. Their castle (which is also made of cardboard) from the same company finally came down and so we put together this one this week. They LOVE it. Benjamin keeps telling me I think this ship is EVEN MORE fun than the castle! Hope you enjoy these adorable faces as much as I certainly do!

I love this picture of Collin with four of his absolute favorite things: 1) gammy #1 (blanket) 2) gammy #2 3) his Elmo doll 4) this couch - the kids LOVE this couch....they play on it every single day and in every way imaginable.

Benjamin and Anna have all of a sudden decided they want to sleep in the same room together. So for the past week they have alternated sleeping in each other's room on their little blow-up beds....

I made this hat to match Benjamin's coat for this winter. Unfortunately, it is no where near big enough for his noggin (even though I followed the child size). So Collin is now the owner of this hat while I try to find time to make Benjamin a bigger one.

When we go to Brown County we sometimes stop at the flea markets they have along the way. I found this cute car that I can push Collin in while the big kids ride their bikes. He loves it and it makes bike rides a lot more enjoyable for both Collin and I.

To follow these adorable pictures I'll leave you with an adorable (to me, not Dave) story. Dave was working on his computer one morning and got into something he wanted to finish before heading to work. So he was home a lot later in the morning than he usually is. The kids and I were hanging out while he worked and he turned on a Michael Jackson song on his computer and started dancing (in a VERY silly way, I might add). Anna and Collin were smiling and thought it was funny while Benjamin was just sitting on the couch watching it all. After the song (and the dancing) ended Benjamin said, "Well I'm glad that's over!"
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