We spent most of Anna's birthday with our extended family celebrating the life of my Grandpa. Benjamin and I were both still feeling sick, so we headed back home that evening. It worked out well as we got to have some birthday fun with Anna once we got home. First up we gave her the birthday present we got for her. It was a very large present, so we sent the kids upstairs so we could bring it out and have it be a surprise. Here she is excitedly coming downstairs to check out her present.......

It was way too big to wrap (I tried!) so I ended up just putting a big blanket over it. Here's the birthday girl peeking in....

The dollhouse moved to it's new home. (Collin kept throwing their toys over the gate we have in this door opening and playing with the trashcan, so we decided to use Anna's new toy to fix that problem for us.)

Then it was time for a special treat that Daddy made the birthday girl..... a coffee mug cake. You mix some ingredients in a coffee mug and microwave it and ta-da, you have a yummy dessert that you can enjoy without eating on it for a week like you do when you make a full sized cake! Anna was excited. :)

The next day we decided to celebrate Anna some more. They have a new Dora and Diego section at the Children's Museum which was a great excitement for our birthday girl!

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