This is what happens when you procrastinate putting a child lock on the pantry: your one year old gleefully pours out a bag of cereal and then has a blast stomping the cereal pieces into an even greater mess.

It was finally warm enough to be outside some last week. Benjamin was the only one sick so we ventured out when we could and it felt so good to be in the fresh air and watch the kids run around and have fun. Collin has so much fun playing with a ball!
Here's his "Cheese!" face.....
Benjamin is all ready to play on his scooter. He was really excited to get it out for the first time this year. He brought his pads over to me and said, "Safety first!"
He had so much fun and was really good at it.
Anna's trying to learn how to use the pedals on her tricycle. It's a hard thing to learn! She has fun no matter what though.
Collin discovering what a tree is. It is so fun going outside with him finally. When they are just over a year old they are in such an age of discovery and it has been so fun to watch him explore this new aspect of his world being outside!
Even though all three boys were starting to be sick by Saturday, Dave insisted we get out and do something outside. So we headed to Brown County park and enjoyed a picnic, some soccer and the kids played on the playground. They all have messy faces b/c they were enjoying some doughnuts. Mmmmm!
Soccer time!
Collin trying to kick both balls at once....
that didn't work, so how about hold one and kick the other?
I love how the boys are going at it playing soccer together and Anna is off in the background in her own little world!
Playground time!

Anna loves to swing. Every time she's on a swing she's telling me the whole time (through giggles), "A little bit faster."
Collin getting ready to go down the slide for the first time. We let Anna take him for his first trip so there are no pictures as it was an all hands on deck kind of experience, if you know what I mean.
But then he had a blast going down again and again with his Daddy!

Anna's new Jessie bow. I wasn't going to get her a new one to teach her a lesson (she flushed her first one down the toilet) but caved in while planning her Jessie party and seeing that there are NO Jessie party things out there. Needless to say, she LOVES it!
This picture is dedicated to my Grandma. Sadly, my Grandpa passed away this week. We are thankful he is at peace with Jesus right now, but will all miss him greatly as he was the most amazing man. I hope it will bring a smile to your face Grandma to see how Collin continues to love the blankie you made him so much!
Happy (but tired) kids on the way home after (finally) enjoying some fun times outside!