Except for a stomach bug that got all five of us at Thanksgiving, we have had an illness-free winter. We were hit really hard the end of summer through fall, so I was thinking it was only fair we had such a nice long break and feel blessed to have had it. Anna and Collin had been coughing for a couple days while they were sleeping but didn't seem sick at all. Then, late Saturday Anna spiked a high fever. The next day she kept getting worse and couldn't nap she was coughing so much. She told me her ear hurt so I ended up taking her to Urgent Care to get her antibiotic started. The Dr. said she had pretty bad infections in both ears and started her medicine. That evening/night things got crazy. I have never seen her so sick. I ended up staying up with her pretty much all night just trying to keep her calm. She coughed nonstop and her fever was so high. She would wake up acting almost delusional and vomiting. Her breathing seemed pretty labored and fast too. It was pretty scary for me. I felt guilty taking her to the Dr. again after just one day, but my mom instincts told me she was too sick. Our pediatrician said her ears were still pretty bad and the other Dr. only prescribed about half the dose she needs of antibiotic. On top of that she discovered that Anna also has pneumonia. My poor girl! I hate that she is so sick and pray she never is again. The new meds are helping her and each day she's slowly improving. Five days later she's still got a little bit of a fever left, but is starting to play again and eat and drink a little. Dave said he wanted me to take a picture of her to document how sick she was. Her poor lip even got so dry it kept bleeding. :(
Now it appears the boys are following in Anna's footsteps. Benjamin just seems to have a very mild cold. But Collin is getting pretty sick and will probably take us back to the Dr. tomorrow. :( He's running a fever and has a horrible cough. I'm headed to bed in preparation for another tough night......as soon as we can get the big kids to stay in bed that is. Here are my three sickies.....
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