Anna and Collin have been forming quite the special bond. They wrestle and love on each other all day. In our house you can frequently hear Collin yelling, "Nana! Nana!" and then Anna will come running to her baby brother sweetly declaring, "Here I am Collin! Here's your Nana!"

Benjamin and Anna each got a new game to go with their little learning video game systems. They've been cute sitting together each in their own world as they play. And they'll pause their own game when the other's seems interesting and then watch for awhile.

Collin is doing really well with learning his body parts. He points to and says nose ("noh") and if you ask him where his hand or foot is, he'll hold them out to you. If you ask him where his mouth is, he opens his mouth up really big and gets this excited expression on his face and he sometimes knows where his head and hair are. My favorite though is his belly button. He points to it all the time and says "Behy buh! Behy buh!" The best is when he decides he needs to find it and he's wearing a sleeper. He'll pull at his shirt and look so confused as to why he can't get to his belly button. I feel so bad for him that I usually unzip the sleeper so he can find it! :)
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