We spent a whole week at Grandma and Grandpa's for Thanksgiving. Or as Benjamin told everyone he saw, "eight days!!" He actually picked out all his clothes for the trip for the first time and helped me get ready. One evening we had fun watching Toy Story 3 with Grandma and Katrina who hadn't seen it yet.

Collin competed with Anna in the eating category, but he was scarfing down crackers instead of popcorn.

I enjoyed capturing this Thanksgiving moment. Benjamin pulling on his Daddy for his attention, while Dave continues to watch TV. :)

Look how beautiful my niece is....
My sister's beau, Matt (see below), introduced us to a new Wii game that included sword fighting or swording as Benjamin says. This was the cause of much happiness and gaming and I enjoyed capturing the silliness.....

Gotta love watching your parents who mostly refuse to touch a video game go at it! :)
During our Thanksgiving trip, our nephew Will had his first birthday party. He and Collin are about 5 weeks apart in age and it was so cute when they started playing the piano together. It was also cute when Collin tackled Will with a big hug, until Will cried for Collin to get off of him anyways. :)

Benjamin and Jack were cute playing the big piano together. They sang and "played" Happy Birthday to Will and some different theme songs to their favorite cartoons.

My sister Katie was really sweet and helped Benjamin learn how to use the Wii a lot more. When Benjamin was introduced to the sword fighting game, it was love at first sight.

While he was competing I overheard him confidently whispering (to no one in particular) "This guy is good. But I'm good too."

Collin got three new teeth over Thanksgiving. He did really well with them and now has 7 highly functioning teeth. He also is almost exclusively crawling up on his knees instead of his army crawl.

Some recent funnies:
-Benjamin and Anna have been pretending to be Peter Pan and Wendy a lot. They "fly" and have endless amounts of fun and laughter doing this. The other day, this conversation ensued- Anna: Hi, Peter Pan. I'm Wendy! Benjamin (not wanting to participate): You're not Wendy. Wendy doesn't even wear a hat. (Anna quickly throws her hat to the ground) Benjamin: Wendy doesn't have toys either! (She eagerly throws the toys to the ground) Benjamin (indignantly): Well, you're still not Wendy!
-Benjamin to me while talking about learning the letter M at school. B: Guess what? Mommy starts with M. Me: I know, I'm a mommy. B: No, you're not! Me: I am too a mommy. B: Well, you're not the scary kind. Me: There are scary mommies? B: Yes there are. They're the kind of mommy that has a mask and papers all over it. :)
1 comment:
you guys crack me up!
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