The kids did a Christmas Program at their preschool on Wednesday. Benjamin has been excitedly practicing "Feliz Navidad" for weeks and weeks. They were so cute getting dressed up for the show that morning....

Anna's class sang Jingle Bells and shook little bells. Unfortunately, you can't see her very well b/c the microphone was right in front of her from our view. Even more disappointing was that she knows all the words to the song, but barely sang a word during the show. Just kind of shook the bell and looked around with a confused look. I videotaped them both singing their songs later that day though.

She keeps us on our toes that one. They took the kids back to their classes after they sang their songs. When we get to Anna's class to pick her up, she wasn't there. She had just walked right out without anyone. The halls and stairways were packed with people - kids, parents, grandparents, etc. Thankfully we weren't worried for too long as I found her just standing on the stair case looking around. Her poor teacher was so upset and worried. I hope she learned a lesson from us afterwards, but I'm not going to count on it.
He was so cute how he would excitedly tell us that they shake the maraca while singing "Feliz Navidad....."

1 comment:
So stinkin cute! You better get an ankle bracelet for little Anna so you can keep track of her! I am dying to hear Benjamin sing Feliz Navidad!
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