This was an overcast day, so the color of the pictures isn't great. But I thought the angle made for cute shots.

Collin now makes 'raspberry' noises with his mouth (in the mornings he does this as he's waking up, before he even opens his eyes), is a very loud talker, and is starting to babble a lot (mostly Iiiii-Iiiiii-Iiiiii and a few da and ma sounds).

The big kids are really into drawing and coloring these days.....

I knitted this hat for my cousin's baby shower that we went to this weekend and Dave said I should have Collin model it.....

I also made some itty bitty mittens too!
I was tickled when I looked over and Collin was chewing on the monkey toy that matches this sleeper.....
Collin rarely stays on this mat or his blanket for long. He is really rolling all over the place now and can get pretty far.

The many faces of Anna:

Even laying in the shade inside this little baby mat we have that has an extra shade cover, Collin still squints when outside.....

As always, this is where Benjamin is when we're in the back yard (digging in the dirt where the old owners' play set was). We're hoping to turn this into a garden and have the kids help us grow some veggies and herbs.

We went to my parents' house this past weekend for my cousin's baby shower and my niece, Katrina's birthday. The weather was pretty nice, so the kids had fun playing outside with Aunt Katie and Daddy.

Cousin love!

I wasn't here for this, but Anna's face really tickled me when I loaded these pictures.

She gave me such a laugh watching her play around in this apron and hat set she got.

Cake time!!!

She picked up the whole scoop of ice cream from her plate and ate it like this!

Collin hanging out with my Aunt Diana, who's about to become a grandma!!! :) I love his expression as he's watching the chaos unfold!
Some fun Anna/Collin things to share:
-Anna always coos "do-be-do-be-do-be-do" to him for some reason
-She lets him grab her face and slobber all over her and she just laughs and squeals and declares, "Oh, he's eating me!"
-Her newest delight is to come over and distract him while he's nursing and tells him, "Oh, hi Collin!" and then lightly pushes his cheek to try and get him to turn back towards me and instructs him, "Go back to eating!" (She'll do this 5+ times in one nursing sitting!)
-I just caught her lifting her shirt and putting her baby doll against her belly like she was feeding it. When I asked her if she was nursing her baby like Momma, she just got a huge proud smile on her face!
1 comment:
What a cute little monkey! And I'm so glad you've been able to enjoy your yard in the nice weather. We had some days in the 70s here, but I woke up to snow this morning!
Sounds like Anna and Collin are really bonding! So cute! By the time Baby Buh gets here she'll be ready to babysit! ;)
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