Benjamin used to always sleep with his arms up like this, Collin (and Anna as a baby) use the life-saving swaddling blanket so their arms are always down. So Dave and I get really tickled when we catch Collin sleeping like this.

Seeing how much Collin loves Benjamin and Anna and they him, is one of my greatest joys! Benjamin celebrates every smile that Collin beams at him!

I love these two blue-eyed boys so very much!

I thought it was sweet when I caught Benjamin and Anna like this the other day.....Benjamin went up and grabbed a blanket and stuffed animal for each of them from their beds, they got their dolls, and sat together on the couch reading books to their dolls.

They watched some toons too.

This was one of my favorite shirts that Anna wore....such a true statement!

This baby boy is pure joy!

These days Collin is always on his belly....
Our little (err, long) rolly, polly, olly.

Anna is tickled here b/c Collin was holding her hand, her newest favorite thing. She will declare multiple times each day, "He hold my hand!"

More sibling love!

This has been Anna's disposition a lot of late, cranky from (I hope) her ear infections. I couldn't resist posting this picture though to showcase her tutu. She had been dressed for an hour or so that morning, when she insisted she needed her "toto" (tutu) and preceded to wear it all day long.

I don't know if you can tell or not, but this little monkey is trying to "inch worm-it". He puts his face down like this and pushes his butt off the ground. I've been trying to tell him just b/c he's big, does not mean he's old enough for these crawling antics, but he doesn't seem to be listening.....

His hair has lightened so much and sadly, his rooster crow (what we nicknamed his fluff of un-tamable hair on top) has thinned. But he's still as cute as ever!

Collin has gotten to start enjoying the excersaucer this week. He seems to enjoy it, but I think Anna and Benjamin get even more of a kick out of playing with him in it. (FYI, there are three height settings on it and he requires the longest one. Already.)

I just thought these were some cool shots....

Bet you can't guess what he's smiling at....

For some reason, Collin was tickled by his crying big brother. Benjamin was quite upset b/c he lost his drum sticks b/c he didn't listen and keep them away from his precious baby brother's head.

He recovered quickly though when I showed him a made-up game of throwing this ball up and catching it.
I really love being the mom of a four-year-old. (Especially this sweet one!)

We went to Brown County on Saturday to try and have a picnic since the weather warmed up some. It ended up being chillier there than our house, so we ate in the car and the kids played on a playground that was in the sunshine while Collin and I hung out in the car. We did get to go up in this neat house though.
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