We stopped along Lake Erie to stretch our legs and weren't disappointed! Talk about a great rest stop! :) Benjamin and I fed the sea gulls......
Anna was happy to be out of the car and silly as ever!
My family! The edge of the Lake had all these little waterfalls where streams were emptying into it.
Geese! Anna was done posing for pictures at this point (as I'm sure you can tell) and just wanted to "Walk!"
The first full day we were there, we visited the coolest children's museum I've ever been to. The kids had a grand time! The first exhibit we went through was Sesame Street. Benjamin just got into Sesame Street again this past month and Anna just developed her love affair with Elmo, so it was perfect! :) Here they are on the steps of Sesame Street (they don't seem to want to both look at the camera at the same time these days!)

Anybody home?
Anybody home?
It's Big Bird!!!!
Anna's favorite.....Elmo! She really wanted touch him! :)
They had a cool thing where you could sit and it would tape you and make it look like you're on Sesame Street on the TV!
Benjamin played on Elmo's computer......
So of course, Anna did too......
Checking himself out in these cool mirrors.......
They enjoyed checking out Big Bird's nest!
Benjamin was so sweet and waited really patiently for one of the driver's seats to open up in this big helicopter they had and he wasn't disappointed!
They had fun playing with a cute little table and tea party set. Need a spoon?
There was a huge Bernstein's Bears section that the kids had a blast playing with! Benjamin was so tickled with himself for holding both their hands in this picture!
Our friend, Stacia, was sweet and made Dave a yummy birthday cake. I'm pretty sure Benjamin was the most excited of anyone! Helping Daddy blow out the candles........
The next day we drove to Niagara Falls. I have extended family in Buffalo and have been a few times as a kid, but it was Dave's first time. This is on the bridge we crossed to get to where you can see the waterfalls. The edge of the water is where the fall begins of the smaller water fall.
And here's a view of the "small" waterfall........
Here's a shot of the bigger waterfall as we were walking down to it (it's the shape of a horseshoe).......
Benjamin and Dave went for a potty break, so Anna and I walked down and enjoyed the views by ourselves. The kids were pretty grumpy the whole time, but I finally got a smile out of Anna (the edge of the water in this shot is where the fall begins).
And then the mist started falling on us for the first time.......
Anna's favorite part of the falls is when the boat came through! As it left, she just kept waving and saying, "Bye bye boat!" over and over!
Good thing they had hoods, b/c the mist would just randomly start falling down on us like rain!
All four and a half of us! Please excuse the messy hair.....it was windy and misty! Also, if you notice, none of these are that great of the falls. Between the mist and being on the wrong side of the falls (the Canadian side is much prettier), it's hard to get a good shot!

The girls! I thought this one was funny b/c it looks like Anna is sitting on my Little Three bump (which it actually often feels like she's doing when I'm holding her)! :)

Anna and their baby, Sariah, having some girl chat!

Kid pow-wow!

Awe! Look at these sweet kids!

Unfortunately, that sweet moment ended in this..........
My little cheeser!
Happy Fourth of July! The kids played outside in their matching outfits. They were only in the shorts for about two minutes before we went back inside and put on pants and jackets!

Swing time!

When we got back inside, I tried to get pictures of them in their matching red, white, and blue. Unfortunately, Anna didn't feel the need to be that close to her brother, thus the need for the paci (at least it matches the theme!).

I liked this one b/c they were both playing with their hair! That's my kiddos! They are either playing with my hair, theirs, or each others! :)

That evening the kids got to enjoy their very first baseball game! It was a big hit with Benjamin and considering we kept Anna up WAY past her bedtime for it, she did great too!

Benjamin and Anna enjoyed some cotton candy. We've never gotten Benjamin to eat it before (he could never get past the texture), but seeing Anna gobble it down enticed him this time and he actually enjoyed it!

Anna loved it, but the little stinker kept trying to feed it to me. Out of all of us, I was the only one who doesn't like cotton candy and she just kept trying to stick it in my mouth! :) Do you like her goatee?

Since Benjamin was so good, we got him a special treat......ice cream in a little baseball helmet! He was overjoyed!

After the game, we stayed and watched the fireworks. We got super lucky and while they were setting up fireworks on the field, we got to watch some really big ones they were doing in the city!

Anna really enjoyed them and kept clapping and pointing and gleefully yelling, "fireworks!"

While we were waiting, they played music and Anna started moving and grooving! She was quite the superstar as two different people told me how cute a dancer she was as I was carrying her out after the fireworks were over and I have no idea where they were even sitting!

Before the stadium fireworks began, they played a speech John Wayne did about why he loves America and showed pictures on the jumbo-tran. This shot's for my dad! :)

Anna loved both sets of fireworks!

Benjamin did good the first couple of minutes, but then he all of sudden turned to me and said, "lets leave!" I picked him up and the poor thing was shaking! I put my hands over his ears and he seemed to do much better after that. He was so cute and kept telling everyone (including today.....3 days later) about how the fireworks were loud and they hurt his ears and scared him, but Momma covered his ears and then it was okay! :) When Dave saw that Benjamin was scared by them and I was having to cover his ears, he tried doing the same for Anna. It just made her mad though and she kept pulling away.....she could have cared less about the noise! You can kind of see the trepedation in his face in this shot, poor guy!
The girls! I thought this one was funny b/c it looks like Anna is sitting on my Little Three bump (which it actually often feels like she's doing when I'm holding her)! :)
Anna and their baby, Sariah, having some girl chat!
Kid pow-wow!
Awe! Look at these sweet kids!
Unfortunately, that sweet moment ended in this..........
As we were leaving, we got a group shot. Unfortunately, Adrian's face was blurred out by a rain drop! :(

My little cheeser!
Happy Fourth of July! The kids played outside in their matching outfits. They were only in the shorts for about two minutes before we went back inside and put on pants and jackets!
Swing time!
When we got back inside, I tried to get pictures of them in their matching red, white, and blue. Unfortunately, Anna didn't feel the need to be that close to her brother, thus the need for the paci (at least it matches the theme!).

I liked this one b/c they were both playing with their hair! That's my kiddos! They are either playing with my hair, theirs, or each others! :)

That evening the kids got to enjoy their very first baseball game! It was a big hit with Benjamin and considering we kept Anna up WAY past her bedtime for it, she did great too!
Benjamin and Anna enjoyed some cotton candy. We've never gotten Benjamin to eat it before (he could never get past the texture), but seeing Anna gobble it down enticed him this time and he actually enjoyed it!
Anna loved it, but the little stinker kept trying to feed it to me. Out of all of us, I was the only one who doesn't like cotton candy and she just kept trying to stick it in my mouth! :) Do you like her goatee?
Since Benjamin was so good, we got him a special treat......ice cream in a little baseball helmet! He was overjoyed!
After the game, we stayed and watched the fireworks. We got super lucky and while they were setting up fireworks on the field, we got to watch some really big ones they were doing in the city!
Anna really enjoyed them and kept clapping and pointing and gleefully yelling, "fireworks!"
While we were waiting, they played music and Anna started moving and grooving! She was quite the superstar as two different people told me how cute a dancer she was as I was carrying her out after the fireworks were over and I have no idea where they were even sitting!
Before the stadium fireworks began, they played a speech John Wayne did about why he loves America and showed pictures on the jumbo-tran. This shot's for my dad! :)
Anna loved both sets of fireworks!
Benjamin did good the first couple of minutes, but then he all of sudden turned to me and said, "lets leave!" I picked him up and the poor thing was shaking! I put my hands over his ears and he seemed to do much better after that. He was so cute and kept telling everyone (including today.....3 days later) about how the fireworks were loud and they hurt his ears and scared him, but Momma covered his ears and then it was okay! :) When Dave saw that Benjamin was scared by them and I was having to cover his ears, he tried doing the same for Anna. It just made her mad though and she kept pulling away.....she could have cared less about the noise! You can kind of see the trepedation in his face in this shot, poor guy!
Love those pictures! We got to go to Niagara Falls back in 2007.
Wow! What a great trip! I love that you went to the Sesame Street exhibit! Mom took us to Sesame Street when we were kids and we have a lot of the same pictures! - Really cute!
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