We drove to the nearest Babies R Us this past weekend to get another car seat. We wanted to go ahead and get Little Three's seat b/c that way Dave can have a car seat in his car and help w/ Benjamin getting to/from preschool until Little Three is big enough to need it. We were pleasantly surprised when we found one with a pattern that was being discontinued and they only had one left, so it was 10% off plus I had a coupon and we ended up getting it for a lot less than we thought! Yea! I was happy too b/c it's girly!!!! Dave usually won't agree to anything girly, so it was a treat! So, Anna will get the new one and Little Three will get her old one that's neutral in case it's a boy. Anna enjoyed trying out the seats for us and would say "Comfy!" every time she got in a new one!

Benjamin's been into drawing and coloring a lot lately. Here's a couple of his recent works.......
We were really impressed that he did such a good job tracing this one!
Can you see his little eye?

One morning while I was blissfully sleeping in, Dave got himself into trouble. He allowed Benjamin to push Anna around in the baby's (toy) stroller, even though I had already established a rule that only the dolls could get in it. Made for a cute sight though!

I finished my first project for Little Three today. I made some scratch mittens and a matching hat...........

Little Three modeling the new accessories.........
LOL! Little Three is already an excellent model! :)
yea for girly!!! :)
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