If you read my post from when we went to the museum this past weekend, then you heard about how much Anna loves babies. I went and got her a baby doll and stroller yesterday and she couldn't be happier. She is a fierce little momma and doesn't much care to share her baby. She pushes the doll around in the stroller, shows me the baby's body parts (esp. eyes), hugs and kisses the baby, feeds the baby a bottle, and tries her hardest to keep the baby from the clutches of her brother! It's quite hilarious to watch! Here she's hugging the baby, saying, "Awe!"

My baby with her baby! :) Dave's reaction......"This is weird, less than a year and a half ago she was inside you and now she's playing with her
own baby???"

"Watch out brother, that's mine!" Poor Benjamin!

Time for a walk. She mostly just pulls the stroller backwards, which is kind of weird.....but she's having a blast!

Time for a bottle! She walks around asking, "Milk?" I go and find her milk cup and give it to her and she pushes it away and tells me no. She wants her baby's milk, not her own. Duh, Mom! :)

So sweet!

We have a very pleased little girl! Hopefully having her own baby will help Little Three survive the first months of life a little more pleasantly for all!
Speaking of Little Three, I found out today that I passed my three hour glucose test......which means no gestational diabetes!!!! Yay!!! So it looks like we just have a big baby on the way! Prayers are appreciated!
Since this post is full of Anna, I thought I'd leave you with a Benjamin funny. Today he ran around saying, "I'm the king of the castle! Don't be afraid! I always keep my people!" For emphasis, he would get right in Anna's face and declare again, "Anna, you not be afraid!!!" I feel much less fear knowing this, I'm not so sure about Anna though!