Sorry I haven't posted in awhile. I got sick and it decided to linger for quite a while. :( But I'm feeling much better now! We've been busy the last few could we not with these two cuties?!?!! I'm going to do a couple mini posts within this one loooooong post, to try and break things up a bit. Sorry if you can't make it through to the end!
Everyday Happenings
First up are just some random pictures of our life the past two weeks.........
"Aren't I the cutest???"
Anna LOVES to tickle my feet! I think it may tickle her more than me!
Don't you just love their matching long, beautiful eyelashes???
We took a trip to the Children's Museum here in town last weekend. Benjamin is getting pretty good form at basketball!
Anna and Daddy got in on the action too!
They have this cool house that you can climb through with secret doors and paths and all! Anna's all the way at the top! (Dave was with her by the way!)
Two beautiful faces looking down at me! :)
Building contraptions!
After the museum we ate a picnic lunch and then headed over to the playground for a bit.........
Doesn't she look SO big in this one??
Benjamin and Anna playing with their palms after Palm Sunday Service..........
I'm amazed at how good a Daddy my husband really is! He's been working hard with Anna and teaching her how to use a spoon when she eats. She's a quick learn and is already starting to get it down! Although, this isn't a good test probably.....considering it's ice cream and all! That's good motivation for anyone!
Anna really loves the cats! Hearing her say "cat" is probably one of the cutest sounds around! Dave was trying to get a shot of her enjoying loving on Pepper, but she chose to be a camera ham instead! :)
Last weekend we went to the Aquarium in Cincy and met up with most of Dave's family. Jimmy and Shawna had a surprise for us all (see Jack's shirt).........
Benjamin with the weird turtle-alligator. He was HUGE!
This is Dave's favorite picture of all! He says it should be captioned "Like Mother, Like Daughter". He gets a little frustrated with me b/c I have my eyes closed in a lot of the pictures he takes of me! :)
Frog time!
Easter Festivities
Easter Festivities
We've had a lot of fun celebrating the gift of Jesus dying for our sins this weekend. From pancake breakfasts and egg hunts, to coloring eggs and making cards, and celebrating Jesus.....we've had a wonderful time (hence the 50 million pictures)!
Our church had a pancake breakfast followed by an incredible egg hunt (over 7,000 eggs) on Saturday!

Benjamin is for sure a pro by now!

Anna did a great job as well! She surprised me and got right in on the action!

"Easter eggs!!!"

Enjoying her first chocolate candy!

Benjamin was more than stoked with his candy!!!

We got a nice family picture too! :)

After the egg hunt, we came home and colored eggs and made Easter cards!

Benjamin is for sure a pro by now!
Anna did a great job as well! She surprised me and got right in on the action!
"Easter eggs!!!"
Enjoying her first chocolate candy!
Benjamin was more than stoked with his candy!!!
We got a nice family picture too! :)
After the egg hunt, we came home and colored eggs and made Easter cards!
The Easter bunny came!!!!

The kids would not cooperate at the same time for a photo with their Easter baskets. After looking through them last night with Dave (and having one of the best laughs of my life) I decided to go with the goofiest one.....since there wasn't a good one! :) Feel free to leave a comment with your own caption for this one. Dave was cracking me up with his!
We have a walker!!! She can walk all the way across a room, but still crawls most of the time. I think it's b/c she's so fast at it! Although, she's choosing to walk more and more every day!!! Dave wanted the caption on this one to be, "You got a camera, Momma? Oh yeah, well I've got chocolate!!!"

Showing off her candy to the dog! Zoe know she's an easy target for table food and usually sticks close to Anna with food!
Benjamin putting his chocolate bunny in the fridge. We learned this trick from last year. It makes it so they don't melt the chocolate in their fingers as much when biting into it!

Anna got a sucker!!!!

And Benjamin got peeps!

They both looked ADORABLE in their Easter outfits!!!!

Sorry for the shade in his face. It was really sunny and this was the only direction I could get him to look where his eyes weren't all squinty!!

An Easter hug that turned into a tackle/kiss!

They really do love each other so much!

Anna was so happy to be outside, I had a hard time getting her to look at the camera for pictures, but this one shows her dress really well.....

Pretty girl!

The kids would not cooperate at the same time for a photo with their Easter baskets. After looking through them last night with Dave (and having one of the best laughs of my life) I decided to go with the goofiest one.....since there wasn't a good one! :) Feel free to leave a comment with your own caption for this one. Dave was cracking me up with his!
We have a walker!!! She can walk all the way across a room, but still crawls most of the time. I think it's b/c she's so fast at it! Although, she's choosing to walk more and more every day!!! Dave wanted the caption on this one to be, "You got a camera, Momma? Oh yeah, well I've got chocolate!!!"
Showing off her candy to the dog! Zoe know she's an easy target for table food and usually sticks close to Anna with food!
Anna got a sucker!!!!
And Benjamin got peeps!
They both looked ADORABLE in their Easter outfits!!!!
Sorry for the shade in his face. It was really sunny and this was the only direction I could get him to look where his eyes weren't all squinty!!
An Easter hug that turned into a tackle/kiss!
They really do love each other so much!
Anna was so happy to be outside, I had a hard time getting her to look at the camera for pictures, but this one shows her dress really well.....
Pretty girl!
After church and naps we drove to a bigger town that's about 40 minutes away. We ended up going to this Chuck-E-Cheese type place that was called Bouncertown. When we first got in there we were worried there wasn't anything our kids would enjoy doing. However, after a little time warming up Benjamin was going down these like 20 foot blow-up slides and through these American Gladiator style blow-up maze things and having THE TIME OF HIS LIFE!!! It was such a joy to see him so happy!!! They had a blow-up area for 3 and unders and Anna had a ton of fun in there. She went up this blow-up fire engine slide and would slide down it all by herself! She did it about 40 times!!! They were both hungry and tired after, so we were able to enjoy a nice, quiet dinner together! It was a great day!!!!
My caption:
Anna is thinking, "I didn't think Benjamin could eat a WHOLE Snickers in one bite."
Benjamin is thinking, "I'm going to eat all of Anna's chocolate."
Those are great pictures!! What fun! Where is Bouncertown from here?
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