It was in the 80's today, so we went out and enjoyed ourselves some sunshine! Anna had just woken from her nap when we went out. I thought this was so cute, she took her paci out, handed it to me, and said "bye bye" if to say I'm done with this Momma.
Benjamin loves blowing these. However, the poor guy is rarely very successful at getting any to blow away! :(
Teeth Shot! She now has three teeth on the bottom (a new one came in over the weekend) and her first top tooth broke through today! *Funny side note, Benjamin loves keeping track of how many teeth she has and is constantly reminding me!
Dave says this is the new edition of funny faces (after their silly Easter picture.....that continues to tickle us btw)!
Sometimes I think my heart very well may burst with how much I love these two and when I see how much they love each other!

Time for your close up, Mr. Benjamin. (FYI, he was the one that moved closer to the camera....after which he said, "Mine see the picture?")
Since Anna has been doing the stinker thing more often (see post below), Benjamin has been too!
One of Anna's favorite things to do outside is play in our makeshift ball pit. She kicks her legs and laughs and squeals and has the grandest of times!
****This next part is long and for some reason I can't get Blogger to let me keep them as paragraphs, with spaces between each one! Argh!**********
While we were outside, Benjamin came over and told me "Mine find a wittle spider and mine squished it." I asked him why he squished it (it surprised me that he did, b/c usually he won't touch bugs). His response, "Cause mine want him to leave, cause you no like them." How's that for a helpful son??
He's also been telling me lots of super sweet things. He tells me (and Dave/Anna) about eight hundred times a day, "You a good/nice Momma (Daddy/baby). Know that?" He frequently tells me that I look beautiful, especially if I'm wearing pink I've noticed! My favorite though was a little over a week ago. I had a week where I felt terrible and had the flu turn into a double ear infection (which really intensifies pregnancy dizziness/nausea). I laid on the couch a lot (as Dave was too busy to take off work) and he would come over to me, rub my arm and say (in the sweetest voice) "Mine promise your ears will get better, Momma. Mine promise!" How can that not make you feel better?!?!?!?
Benjamin also recently told Anna, "Anna you be quiet! You wake the baby in Momma's tummy! The baby is trying to sleep!" He talks about "Little Three" all the time and comes over and touches my belly and says that's where the baby is! He also yells at Anna and Milo whenever they are sitting on me and tells them they are on the baby! According to Benjamin, Little Three changes genders usually about 4 times a day!
Speaking of Little Three. I'm 15 weeks today and a few days ago, felt him/her move for the first time. He/she moved several times that night, but has only moved a few times since then. I can't wait for the baby to kick more, I'm pretty sure having a baby move around in your belly is one of the best feelings EVER!!!!
Some recent Anna funnies: Yesterday, when asked to say belly...she would lift up her shirt, grab her belly, and say "belwee". Today, while playing blocks she learned the phrase "Ah, man!" She would knock Benjamin and my block towers over and we said the phrase a few times. After which she said it every single time she knocked another tower over. She's getting close to saying (or at least a toddler version of) Anna and Benjamin, which is very cute. Without anyone telling her, she came over and pet Pepper and squealed "Pepper". I'm telling you, the girl is crazy smart and will say (or try to say) pretty much any word you ask her to! Another cute thing she's been doing is when we are out, she waves and says hi to people. Then, as they walk past her, she waves again and says bye bye! The funny thing is she has a different wave for hi than for bye! Also, anytime she does new things like this hi/bye thing or say squealing (loudly)....Benjamin does them too!
I know there's more and I so want to type as much out as possible, so I remember it.....but that's all I've got for now!
When Dave was closing the blinds tonight, he mentioned we were about to have a really pretty sunset if I wanted to go out and see it and get some pictures. He was right........
When Dave was closing the blinds tonight, he mentioned we were about to have a really pretty sunset if I wanted to go out and see it and get some pictures. He was right........
1 comment:
Your kids are adorable, and I cannot believe Anna is growing so fast.
I hope we continue to have this beautiful weather for you all to enjoy!
Now that I'll be in Indiana for a summer, I'll get to spend more time with the Nephews and the Niece!
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