The last month or so Benjamin has learned his ABCs. He has known some other songs for awhile (Twinkle Twinkle, If You're Happy and You Know It, Head-Shoulders-Knees-And-Toes, etc), but had no interest in the ABCs. He would actually get upset with me when I would start singing it to him and trying to get him to sing it. So I would give in and just do what song he wanted. About a month ago he started singing bits of it with me though and eventually got the whole thing! I have posted a few videos of Anna, so I thought it was about time Benjamin got a turn! :) So here's my sweet little guy (he likes the end of the song the best and decided to repeat it a few times!)......(Oh, and don't forget to go to the end of this site and turn off the music so you can hear Benjamin's sweet singing voice!)
As you saw, there's some Anna in the video too! :) And here are some cute pictures of her right after the video. Today was the first time that she figured out how to spin herself all the way around in her little jumper seat to see all the toys! She is getting so very big!!! :) :(

And I couldn't resist sharing this funny picture of "Ben-ja-min"!!!!

Can you guys believe its been seven years today? I can't.....sometimes it still feels like just last week. I encourage you to take the time today to pray for those affected first hand, b/c I'm sure they have many times that September 11th, 2001 still feels like last week. Be blessed!
Wow..Good job Benjamin!! Love how he says his name.. like he was really trying so hard to say it just right :) Cohen still refers to him self as "me" when you ask him his name!
Big boy Benjamin!! Good job! Wow they are growing up fast. You really have the sweetest kids ever. Love and miss you!
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