Here are some cute shots that surprised me when I downloaded pictures off the camera today. They are from this weekend when my sweet hubby got up with the kids so I could sleep in an extra hour and try to get feeling better! What a nice surprise to find these jammied-sweeties!
What do Daddy and the kids do after he gets home while I make dinner you ask? Well cuddle and read the newspaper of course!
Milo gets some loving too!
Daddy/Daughter Cuddles
We had a great bath time last night too. The kids were so cute playing together and Anna sits so well in her little bath seat now, that it was so special for Dave and I to just sit and watch our babies. We both agreed as we were going to bed that we had a really special family evening together!
Finally, Dave had Anna sitting up in her pack-n-play tonight and she started to try and pull herself up! Dave politely explained to her that she was supposed to learn to crawl before she started pulling herself up to standing....but that she was mighty cute trying! Look how pleased she is with herself!!!! :)
I am so proud that my kids have Dave as their father! It makes my heart so happy to see him with our kids and I just wanted to share how amazing he is!
On another note, I posted a while back about some friends from college who were pregnant with their second child and put on bed rest b/c Lindsay started leaking amniotic fluid. She wasn't given very good odds for her son, but after 3 months of bedrest she gave birth to a sweet little boy. She was only 32 weeks pregnant, so he is in the NICU and still dealing with some breathing issues...but all considering he seems to be doing great! God is so amazing! If you were praying before, I encourage you to continue to pray for the little guy and his family! Thanks!