Anna at 5 months strolling through life....
and wee little Benjamin strolling along at 4 months.....

Does anyone else think they look alike??? I've explained this before, but there is a little comment button at the bottom of each post. All you have to do is simply click on it, type your comment, and you can either enter your name, your blogger ID (if you have one), or you can just choose anonymous and then just sign your name at the end of your comment. Some of you tell me from time to time that you enjoy the blog, however almost every post is followed by a "0 Comments". So if you enjoy my blogging or have something to say, say it! :)
Maddox came over this morning and I thought it was so cute that they climbed into Benjamin's couch/bed with their pillows (that they were fighting over minutes before) and watched some cartoons together!
Another Benjamin funny: Today we were playing outside in his little kiddie pool and I got the idea to take the hose and have it run down his slide. Let me tell you, you put a little water on that slide and my little 30 pounder can fly!!! Over and over again he would fly down the slide and then shoot across the grass farther and farther. One time he even rolled over himself on the ground, after which time he declared with a big smile, "Mine flipped!" (Btw, "mine" is how he says "I".) It was hilarious. By the end of it I had a soaking wet toddler stripped down to his diaper with grass and mud all over! I wanted to get a picture/video, but he was wet and the camera was inside and so being the good little Momma that I am, I never leave him alone even for a second around water! :) Maybe next time. I'm sure we will be recreating our water slide in the very near future! It was fun! I can't remeber the last time I laughed that much! :)
I definitely see the resemblance. :) I hope you all are having a great summer! (It seems like you are from the blog.) :)
Hey big sis,
I don't think they look alike, I think they are adorable in their own way. Benjamin has lighter features and a wide smile. Man, he looks so big and old now. I can't believe how fast time flies. I hope you all are having a good summer!
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