This is how she usually sits, leaning forward like this, until I have to catch her as she falls forward! This is her typical big open mouth smile too!

You can really tell how tall she is in this picture, since she's sitting straight up. She had her 6 month check up yesterday (only 2 shots, yea!) and she has grown 3 inches since her 4 month check up! She's now 27 inches and in the 90th percentile. She weighed 16 lb and 6 oz which is the 50th percentile. So she's a tall girl! :) Everything checked out with her (yea!) and the ear infection she has is starting to get better, so that's a relief too!

I love her eyes in this one......

I actually only got one picture of Anna before Benjamin jumped up into the chair and posed for some too. I am having a really hard time getting him to smile for the camera though and keep his eyes open. Oh well.....

I actually only got one picture of Anna before Benjamin jumped up into the chair and posed for some too. I am having a really hard time getting him to smile for the camera though and keep his eyes open. Oh well.....
I may be silly but since I think 6 months is a big milestone, I took some more pictures of her and Dave was sweet and took us shopping and out to eat (with dessert) to celebrate our cupcake!
And of course we've had some funny Benjamin moments lately....
He likes playing with these gardening gloves and after putting them on recently he instantly started looking around saying, "Where's mine aldagador shoes?" After he found them, he went into the kitchen and turned on his little radio and started spinning around like a crazy man. Seriously, it was hard to get a picture of him, he was moving that much!

Saturday morning he was tickled when he decided to put on Dave's socks......
Saturday morning he was tickled when he decided to put on Dave's socks......
Also on Saturday, he was tickled when we went to a kids fest at the park and he got to meet a police officer and sit in his car. (He's really into police officers right now)
When I was taking Anna's pictures today he was running around like a mad man (big surprise I know)....
Including yelling, "Gah" over and over again. The last few months he has had a made-up word that sticks around for a couple weeks that he says (err yells) over and over again when he's wound up. For instance the last two weeks it was "ba boo" and now its "Gah". I think I preferred last weeks though, b/c when he says "Gah" it kinda sounds like he's working up a lugie. Not very pleasant! Such a goof ball we have on our hands! I see a lot of me in him though, so I guess I only have myself to blame! :)
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