I got my stethoscope out to listen to Benjamin's chest one night and he decided to play nurse too!

This is him listening to baby Anna! He loves her so much already!

For Benjamin's 2nd birthday we are going to have a Blue's Clues theme since that's his favorite right now! I ordered the party stuff a week ago and got him these Blue ears that he loves! Isn't that adorable??? The second picture, he's covering his eyes because the red eye light was so bright...but it looks like he's being embarrassed, doesn't it???

Benjamin really had the Daddy's this weekend and wanted Dave at all times! It was pretty sweet! I came into the living room at one point and this is what I saw! Dave called it their theatre seating! What a great Daddy, trying so hard to make his little boy feel better!

We awoke to our first snow this morning and Benjamin kept pointing to it and saying snow! It was really precious! Then he ran to the front door, pulled back the curtain and started yelling More! More!!!! Too bad he's still a little sick, so I don't think we should go out and play in it! Knowing Indiana weather, I'm sure we'll get another chance soon!

A few days ago, Benjamin and I really needed to get out of the house for a little while after being stuck at home for days. So when Dave got home, we went to Target and got some things we needed. We are getting Benjamin a kitchen set for Christmas and I saw this cute little grocery cart and had to get it for him too. We had planned to give it to him Christmas morning with the other kitchen stuff, but after letting him play with it in Target and seeing him have such a great time pushing it all over the store, we had to let him have it now! The poor guy really deserves it after the tough days (and nights) we've had! It was nice for Dave and I to see so many smiles on his face too! Last night I put his Mickey Mouse in the seat of the cart so he could push him around and you should've seen how his face lit up! It was really sweet!
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