You can see on his face how delighted he was at having one of his kitties on a leash! The pink leash is Pepper's and he held it the hold time and told me about a million times that it was Pepper's! I wouldn't put it on her though, because she's so timid with Benjamin.

The exciting part of our day was that we got our first major snow. It snowed all morning and afternoon and was really sticking. It rained though and we lost some of it. But after it stopped we took Benjamin out to play in his first snow! We were in Charleston last winter, so he never got to play in it. Here he is all bundled up and ready to go out to the snow! You can see his new snow shoes in this picture. They are some serious boots and it was so funny because he had quite a bit of trouble walking in them at first! But he eventually got the hang of it!

Dave putting his gloves on. He did so well keeping his coat, hat, and gloves on. Usually he hates the gloves and hat and won't wear them! Yea Benjamin! The wind blew right when I took this picture, so that's why he's making that funny face. It wasn't too windy or cold since we were all bundled up. So it was a nice day for some snow fun!
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