Benjamin got a new toy today. I've been very excited to give it to him and put it together last night so Dave and I could give it to him today. It's a Sesame Street tool bench with a tool belt and everything. We had it hidden in the bonus room of our house and while Dave and Benjamin were playing on the floor this morning, I brought it out and you should have seen the smile on his face as soon as he saw it!!!! It was priceless! It's quite the cool toy (even dad enjoys it) and I think he'll get many years of playing out of it!Here's a picture from above so you can see how big it is! It's pretty tall and comes up to Benjamin's chest.
Working the Cookie Monster drill!
And the Bert/Ernie saw!
I didn't think he'd like the tool belt, but he left it on the entire time he was playing and even got upset when I took it off! One of the tools in the belt is Big Bird pliers and while we were playing with them, Dave and I got Benjamin to say Big Bird 4 or 5 times. It was really cute and took me totally by surprise!
Checking on his tool belt! He really liked the hammer the best and as always with Benjamin, two is better than one!!!!

All in all a pretty fun morning in our house....I'm so glad he likes his new toy!
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