This is Benjamin last week....he learned how to go down the slide head first and that is now his preferred method!

This is us at Churchill Downs. We got to go into the paddack and see the horses up close before the race. Benjamin definitely enjoyed that! As you can see....he's pointing at the horses as they are walking past us!

This is the horse that my parents are partial owners of..... her name is Grand Nita and she's really neat looking (gray with spots). It was really cool to finally see her race. She didn't do so good...but it was her first time on the turf and my parents said the distance was too short for her.

Katie had been wanting to go to Chuck E Cheese, but you have to have a child to get in. So the three of us went (Benjamin's first time). I was quite pleased....they had a lot of toddler type activities and he had so much fun. His eyes would just light up when he was on one of the rides and they started moving. We'll definitely have to go back very soon! I took some pictures, but my camera was messed up and the pictures came out all blurry. So you'll just have to imagine how cute he looked!
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