I'm so far behind but I refuse to give up! Here is our lovely June:
Eva's hair started growing so fast!
Children's message with our Pastor. Eva has grown quite fond of Pastor Steve (he's smart and bribes her with brownies). She will randomly ask about him which is super cute. The problem though is in Eva-speak, Pastor Steve and brush teeth sound almost identical. She is a big fan of both and I often have no idea which she's saying!
We have had so much fun this summer with scooters and bikes and the like.
For my birthday, we go a hotel room in Cincinnati and spent a weekend there and I got to go shopping at Ikea for my present. How blessed am I?! Here we are eating in the train at Spaghetti shop.
The kids LOVED the hotel! Anna asked if we could stay there forever.
We enjoyed a picnic dinner. The kids had strawberries and pizza and Dave found us yummy Thai takeout.
The hotel had a great pool! We swam in the evening when we got there and then again for several hours in the morning. The kids loved it!
After checking out of the hotel, we headed to the Cincinnati Museum Center and the kids had a lot of fun playing in the Children's Museum.
Dave and Benjamin used teamwork to make this arch.
Collin loves playing in this construction area. We have come here a lot with all of our Cincinnati trips for Collin's hands.

Cuties in a boat.
Poor Eva was sick this day and had the saddest face. She threw up a bunch of times and then was all better by the evening but she broke my heart while she was so sad.
We got new desks for our school room! We went to Ikea on our trip above and got four smaller desks so Collin and Eva can have one too. They love them!
I surprised the kids with new sand toys to go with our new (giant) sandbox and they've been enjoying making castles and having all sorts of fun. Benjamin was proud of this one.
Our girls love to swing!
Our local airport hosted a fun airplane day. The kids got to ride in army trucks.
Our bookends looking cute in sunglasses.
Collin loves police officers and his mind was blown that some ride motorcycles. He was beyond thrilled!
I think this picture is hilarious. We were posing for a picture with the helicopters when one started up and everyone but Anna and I turned to see right as Dave took the picture.
Benjamin with a B-17.
Collin loving on Tierney at her graduation party.
Anna and Collin were so excited for their dance recital! They were blessed to have all four grandparents come watch them too.
Anna with one of her dance friends, Annie.
Backstage before the show begins getting all lined up.
Collin danced to "Everybody Wants to be a Cat" from Aristocats and did a great job! He was adorable!
Next was Anna's first routine. This was her jazz dance to "Sugar, Sugar".
Then we did a quick change and got ready for ballet.
The song was called "Summer" so they were butterflies slowly coming out of their cocoons and using their wings for the first time. She is such a beautiful ballerina!
Last was tap which was to "I Want Candy".
The dancers with Tierney.
And with fellow dancer, Emma.
Eva was already outside after sitting in the auditorium for over 2 hours, but we enjoyed celebrating our dancers.
The summer was full of outside scooter/bike time.....
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