This was our first trip to the zoo that Eva really understood that we were looking at all the different animals. She LOVES animals and talks about them all day. Her favorite books are ones she can point out the different animals she sees and she knows quite a few! It was so much fun watching her reactions and excitement as she discovered all the animals the zoo has to offer. Anna isn't really cooperating in this picture, but I thought the boys were too funny not to share!
First up was the seal and it was one of her favorites. We watched for a really long time and I think she could have stayed much longer.
She loved how they would swim where she couldn't see and then pop up and start barking!
More silliness in front of the polar bear.
Too bad his cute head didn't make it into the picture, this was the most active we had seen the polar bear.
Walking in to see the walrus. They were swimming around and putting on a show and Eva really enjoyed being so close to the action.
Watching the cheetah as it relaxes on a grassy hill.....what a life!
Eva's favorite animal, elephants! We kept trying, but couldn't get a picture of her face because she wouldn't turn away from them! Her room is decorated in elephants and she will often take me around her whole room and point out each one declaring, "ell-fant!"
They love seeing if they can run as fast as a cheetah!
Benjamin was having asthma troubles the last time we did this and couldn't participate, so he was really excited to finally have a try at it!
He got a special surprise too, the cheetah came over and walked along the track with him!
Giraffe love.
Daddy's girls with the giraffes. See baby? It was getting close to naptime at this point and Eva needed some cuddles with her lovies.
Pinky proud!
We had such a great visit! How sweet is this picture of Dave with his mini-me Collin?!
It was such a pretty day, that we took some pictures of Benjamin for his 8 year old photos.
Anna wanted to participate, but quickly decided it was too sunny for her sensitive eyes.

We took quite a few pictures, so we had some silly pose breaks.

This is my favorite one! This is his favorite shirt.....he loves orange and he loved wearing it on our trip to Animal Kingdom on the safari.
I ran into the gift shop to get our little elephant lover something for her room and Benjamin and Anna thought this huge elephant statue was so cool.
At bedtime, I found the girls cuddled up in the rocker in Eva's room with their babies wrapped in blankies. Such a precious moment!
Took these with my cell phone, so they aren't great. But I just loved how they were being little momma's together!
Collin saw what they were doing and ran and got his baby and a blanket to play along.
Its so much fun watching them have so much fun!
We bought an elephant pillow for our little Evie Bee who's getting so big so fast. She was very proud to now have a pillow to sleep with!
Such a fun day!! We are very blessed to have Dave get Good Friday off each year to spend with us!
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